Music Collection Size Queenery

Before you go thinking you know something about this, you might want to check with Erik. If you're thinking about taking into account that increasing sales of a dead medium like vinyl is based purely on a social trend of a certain group of whimsical and easily manipulated section of the population (white people with disposable income) and could just as easily drop down to nothing by tomorrow morning, you'd apparently be wrong and you're about to get owned.
This thread is glorious. I love RC.
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Kind of overrated and expensive, and seriously who sits in their house all day switching records?

i don't know but people do a lot of really stupid shit such as staring into a telephone display almost literally all fuckin day
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he's talking about people staring at their smartphone all day whilst walking, talking, shitting, working, sexing, gaming, whatever.

and he's right. luddites unite
Thought you meant sitting at home talking on a phone or something silly like that, and are you really going to compare a smartphone to vinyl records?
i'm just saying people waste time in stupid ways

in that light, it seems kind of silly to attack people for flipping over vinyl records
so over the last two days i've been going through and adding my entire collection to not done yet, but getting there.

including caring about shit like adding the correct pressing of a Disc. yes, i've been flipping cd's over and reading fucking matrix numbers. if you're gonna do something, you might as well do it right the first time.

discogs, since it is also a buy/sell marketplace, can provide you with the average value of your collection. and i'm still not done, but holy shit man, i'm already pretty rich according to this thing. i've got investments. been putting serious dough in the black metal bank these last fifteen years.
I fucking love discogs. And yes, I looked at matrix numbers too. I even had to add a few pressings that weren't listed. I sell on there to and get about 2 orders a week.
Last time I counted my CD collection, I were up with 821 CDs. But that was a while ago so maybe around 900(ish). But now in the later days I've been starting with my Vinyl collection again, were stuck at 27 of them but now I'm up at 42 of them.
so over the last two days i've been going through and adding my entire collection to not done yet, but getting there.

including caring about shit like adding the correct pressing of a Disc. yes, i've been flipping cd's over and reading fucking matrix numbers. if you're gonna do something, you might as well do it right the first time.

discogs, since it is also a buy/sell marketplace, can provide you with the average value of your collection. and i'm still not done, but holy shit man, i'm already pretty rich according to this thing. i've got investments. been putting serious dough in the black metal bank these last fifteen years.

I will do this once I get my mancave done in the cellar.
I've been doing this on Excel all these years, haven't updated it in a good minute either. It feels like a good time to start shifting to Discogs. Going to start with all my recent purchases from the last two years, then transfer the Excel data over. I'll take a gander at Matrix numbers for any albums I know are worth more than $20 shillings. Huzzah!

so i'm pretty much done, i know there is some stuff missing -- there's about 30 things i own which aren't on discogs yet and also i have some tapes in a plastic bag somewhere that need to be added. also a few demos are missing and i haven't cared to add most promos because fuck promos.

so that said, 1200 was a pretty good guess since the discogs list is at 1133 right now,asc

i will leave you with this

Holy shit I can't believe the price on Ashes Against the Grain.

My dad's CD collection is substantially larger than mine. Nuts.

I don't want to do a Discogs thing because I'll then be tempted to sell all my CDs, pay off my car, pay off the wife's lease, put a downpayment on a house, buy a fancy bass, and still have a chunk leftover to put in the bank. But then I would be without a music collection. So I might as well sell my soul at the same time. Fuck that.

Well, except the reality of it is probably half my CDs would only fetch $4, then after shipping and the 3 years it would take to sell them, it would work out that I'd only need about an hour of overtime per week to earn more cash at a quicker rate. But still, that 3 minute little exercise I just played out in my head was fun math for a few moments.

Maybe I should've invested in Agalloch box sets 5 years ago.
Maybe I should've invested in Agalloch box sets 5 years ago.

agalloch is big money

the pale folklore wood box, which was limited to 60 copies, has never been sold on discogs, otherwise i know what would be on top of the list

it's ridiculous

That is only the Agalloch portion of my collection. Pretty crazy, maybe I really should sell this stuff and pay off my car. :loco:

EDIT: I don't know why that shit is blurry as fuck but I'm assuming that Botophucket is to blame. Jerks.