Music Collection Size Queenery

I had my weird phases too, but mostly it was kvlt/grim blacker than thou silliness. College was weird
I admit that nowadays I mainly download MP3s, usually from Amazon. That way I can download an album while leaving out and not paying for the sucky song(s). Then I burn a CD for the car. :loco:
Only thing I download is...

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I think I might have 500 or so, but really, I wish I could just have the money I spent on them back and then have them all on hard drive or CD-R. They wont last forever and they take up a lot of space. Fuck them.
I wish I could own nothing and just have everything in the cloud
Fuck it

you know, in theory i kind of like the idea of owning fewer material things BUT all this ~cloud~ nonsense bothers me a lot, too

for one, you're suddenly reliant on having computers and smartphones and shit everywhere to access your stuff. a cd or record player is still the best way to listen to music.

but most importantly, it means relinquishing control of the Media you have paid for in to corporations that can and will restrict or revoke your access to it at their whim, and when they inevitably go out of business and close down the service with 24h notice (if you're lucky)

unfortunately this digital distribution and ~cloud~ shit is nine times out of ten just a ploy to get people to pay for things they already own for the tenth time and forever

already there are things happening like companies (microsoft, etc) revoking access to movies or tv series you've bought digitally a few years back because their contract with something-or-other ran out and their response is "fuck you got mine" so that's cool i guess


i'll keep my huge ass shelves of antiquated optical media and dead tree tomes. fuck the future.
also i fucking hate the computer business and their tendency to come up with stupid dumb buzzwords for shit that has existed for a million years and pretend that it's New and Revolutionary

i will never use the term ~cloud~ unironically if i can help it because holy fuck it's just a god damn file server, shut THE HELL up
also i fucking hate the computer business and their tendency to come up with stupid dumb buzzwords for shit that has existed for a million years and pretend that it's New and Revolutionary

i will never use the term ~cloud~ unironically if i can help it because holy fuck it's just a god damn file server, shut THE HELL up

you know, in theory i kind of like the idea of owning fewer material things BUT all this ~cloud~ nonsense bothers me a lot, too

for one, you're suddenly reliant on having computers and smartphones and shit everywhere to access your stuff. a cd or record player is still the best way to listen to music.

but most importantly, it means relinquishing control of the Media you have paid for in to corporations that can and will restrict or revoke your access to it at their whim, and when they inevitably go out of business and close down the service with 24h notice (if you're lucky)

unfortunately this digital distribution and ~cloud~ shit is nine times out of ten just a ploy to get people to pay for things they already own for the tenth time and forever

already there are things happening like companies (microsoft, etc) revoking access to movies or tv series you've bought digitally a few years back because their contract with something-or-other ran out and their response is "fuck you got mine" so that's cool i guess


i'll keep my huge ass shelves of antiquated optical media and dead tree tomes. fuck the future.
+666 to all this. If you want to burn my library, you'll have to get through me first. If you want to delete it remotely, what can I possibly do?

When the cloud thing became popular I said "but I already have a website" and never thought about it again.

Good times with all of this sort of thing:
and oops: