Music Collection Size Queenery

You can buy digital music without it being through a "cloud" service like Amazon or iTunes, y'know.

Gives you full control over your media and how/where you can use it.

At any rate, over 1000 cds. Too many. Have a list made of ~50 cds, some vinyl, and a tape (Vemod) that I'm looking to get rid of. Perhaps I'll post it here.

damn straight they will not

what manner of weird-ass parallel universe do you live in where hard drives and cd-r media last longer than actual pressed cd media

Sure, but they last a damn long time and there's no reason to not have your stuff backed up in at least two places.
What are you guys going to do when CDs are no longer made?

i am pretty sure this will not happen in my lifetime

almost everything that has ever existed is still being made to some extent

but i don't buy much these days anyway so i don't really care
You can buy digital music without it being through a "cloud" service like Amazon or iTunes, y'know.

Gives you full control over your media and how/where you can use it.

for now

wait until general-purpose pc's are mostly a thing of the past and no mainstream smartphones/tablets will let you transfer or play local media

this will happen sooner than you think
In my brief lifetime I've already seen vinyl and tapes disappear. I've seen CD-based software disappear. My kids have never seen or used a CD. That fact makes it plausible for me that CDs will cease to exist much sooner than later.
My kids do continue to use DVD and Blu Ray based content though. I imagine we will stop buying those formats soon too.
I don't know what any of that means.
I don't personally care too much about tech trends or nostalgia associated with those changes.
Vinyl and tapes didn't disappear. Granted, they are more of a specialty thing these days, but they are still very much alive.

8-tracks are gone. I had Houses of the Holy on 8-track when I was 3, that was awesome! Until it broke, and they always did.
There's diehard metalheads who own thousand of vinyl records and don't have a single compact disc in their collection. A ton of grandiose releases and re-releases drop on vinyl exclusively every month. Wtf ye talking about Vinyl going the way of the Dodo? I personally don't collect it, as it's cumbersome, and I don't find it convenient. Compact discs are the happy medium which I'll continue to buy up until I lose my job and end up eating discarded pasta behind Guiliano's.
Well yeah, we are all aware of the 0.00001% of the population that actively collects new vinyl releases. For all intents and purposes though, the medium might as well not exist.
Well yeah, we are all aware of the 0.00001% of the population that actively collects new vinyl releases. For all intents and purposes though, the medium might as well not exist.


i don't know that i would call something that sells 4.6 million copies in a year nonexistent

also you should note that this is nielsen/soundscan and does not even cover all the underground shit that gets sold through internet mailorder, so the real number is significantly higher

nor does it cover the rest of the world, just the US
In my brief lifetime I've already seen vinyl and tapes disappear. I've seen CD-based software disappear. My kids have never seen or used a CD. That fact makes it plausible for me that CDs will cease to exist much sooner than later.

well i'm just saying look at history and you will see that you are full of crap

if you think that, in ten years, my generation will not be all nostalgic for cd's and pay big buxxx for ~VINTAGE CD PLAYERS~ that you currently literally cannot even give away you are wrong

print out this post and stick it on your wall to see how right i am circa 2023
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check out this guy above me, look at his face. thats the face of ownage. you just got owned.
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@Erik: If I ever need to know something - about any topic! - I know to just ask you
Vinyl is sort of making a comeback because hipsters think it is cool now, kind of annoying.

Before you go thinking you know something about this, you might want to check with Erik. If you're thinking about taking into account that increasing sales of a dead medium like vinyl is based purely on a social trend of a certain group of whimsical and easily manipulated section of the population (white people with disposable income) and could just as easily drop down to nothing by tomorrow morning, you'd apparently be wrong and you're about to get owned.
Before you go thinking you know something about this, you might want to check with Erik. If you're thinking about taking into account that increasing sales of a dead medium like vinyl is based purely on a social trend of a certain group of whimsical and easily manipulated section of the population (white people with disposable income) and could just as easily drop down to nothing by tomorrow morning, you'd apparently be wrong and you're about to get owned.

i don't think you meant to say whimsical.

also it doesn't matter WHY it's selling, it just matters that something that sells millions of units a year is not by any reasonable definition dead, which you claim it is
Before you go thinking you know something about this, you might want to check with Erik. If you're thinking about taking into account that increasing sales of a dead medium like vinyl is based purely on a social trend of a certain group of whimsical and easily manipulated section of the population (white people with disposable income) and could just as easily drop down to nothing by tomorrow morning, you'd apparently be wrong and you're about to get owned.