Music downloading is it good or bad?

Then why are their more bands than ever before? Of all people, I would think you would be the first to acknowledge that
A. The times they are a-changin
B. Labels ruin music (by directing bands how to write), and steal much more from the artists than any downloader possibly could.

The reason "success is not what it was 15 years ago" outside the realm of radio music is because the population is more dumbed down at this point, and just wants rehashed senseless tunes in the background.

Metal concert attendance, at a glance, appears to be enjoying record growth.
1. fuck change, change is the word of retards, its one for another never change
2. the music I have listened to primarily was not orchestrated by any label
3. concerts are nothing like they used to be, nothing, "all those" bands play small venues and earn enough to eat and get to the next town
4. buy your music and shut up, if you dont you are far worse than the labels you are trying to put down, at least they contributed
Yes sir. /sarcasm

I just want to understand one thing from you. Would you be upset if you made a drawing and a corporation "Copied it" and because it was so good it gained them billions of dollars? and in return you got nothing for your creative effort?

Now I will give you what I have thought of as the solution to this whole system, as I agree that it clearly won't work anymore, is that music is a promotional tool for concerts which should be more then just a band practices infront of people. It should be a real show so that they go away entertained!

One of my professors who was very wise in the music industry told me that "if you want to be an Artist..... don't quit your day job because you will probably need it unless you get lucky. If you want to make money in music then be a pop band or a very good niche musician and then you can be a little artsy with it. It may be soul sucking but it'd at least be playing music for a living and having creative input into it. That and making millions potentially or at least a decent living."

But as an Engineer/Producer I feel that not getting paid for the hours of laborous work it takes to make an ok or even horrible performer sound good or decent is kind of a kick in the balls..... Like what you do for the music is not worth paying for. In some sense I agree. Alot of the bands goodly produced and engineered music gets destroyed by mastering. ANd it shouldn't be worth paying for unless it is of a quality worth buying. (kind of like buying a black and white tv now with the option of LCD or Plasma and even 3d tvs. Why would you do it if the quality is so bad?)

So to be honest I am conflicted because I see both sides of it and have participated in both, so I am as guilty as the next person. ALthough I do buy albums, but I tend to get leaks and dl them because I'm a hardcore fan of a band.
in fact you unearthed another related subject. Bars that provide basis dance or viewing entertainment via hireing cover bands have to pay royalities. I cant give you the details but I know theres people that go around to these bars and collect some percentage, due to copyrite laws.
Right. I was referencing making money off of someone else's idea. That is fundamentally different from hearing music/looking at a painting, especially in a non-physical format.
ya OK your not stealing anybodys work, taking something thats sold for free, OK, OK I get it, its a good thing, should have happened along time ago, in all forms of services, I just dont know whats wrong with the world
So what I basically get from Dakryn is that if it is able to be digital then it should be free. All computer games, riped movies, music, photographs, artwork, books, etc should all be free, because it isn't "Tangible" and you can't technically steal it. Well can you grab onto your computer or your harddrive? that is tangible is it not?, and that music exists on a physical object does it not? Then it is stealing if that physical object is used to steal from another physical object. Because in actuality it's those 0's and 1's that are copyrighted because CD's are that anyways, and the same goes for the ProTools session (or anyother recording program).
If you didn't make it, then you do not own it or have the right to own it unless that creator is willing to sell it to you or give it to you. How do you not understand this fundamental concept?
But I don't download it from the original artist. I download it from someone who, somewhere in the chain, bought the music. So what you are saying is even though they bought it, the artist still retains the rights to tell that person what they can do with it? That's pretty ridiculous.
Dude!... everyone used to copy tapes or record albums to tapes, pass it around amounst friends and soon 4-5 people have a copy from one. Today this is done stranger to stranger on the net and amounts to much more than a 1-5 ratio.

You cant make copies of paintings or books and sell them legally

Aftermarket auto parts are sold under royalities. In fact stuff like body parts cant be identical to OEM or they have to be licienced by.

The Floyd Rose floating tremelo cant be copied, those that do are "licienced by".

Its just the fucking way things are, FOR GOOD REASON stop being like a little ignoring reality bitch that just wrecked your car and acts like all OK because you can still drive it. Your still out something that was yours.

Your just playing stupid to make excuses for stealing someone leses labor and I hope to hell you don think you have anyone fooled.
You aren't making any kind of rational comparisons. For one: WILL EVERYONE PLEASE STOP REFERENCING MAKING/SELLING A COPIED PRODUCT.

We aren't talking about a business here. We aren't talking about burning CDs with downloaded material and selling them for profit. Stop being retarded with the comparisons.
fuck that, it is the way it is and its that way for good reason, you are stealing someone elses work, you are taking their services for free simply because its possible, doesnt matter if you are also selling it or not, you simply stole it, end of story. When you dont pay for something but still take it its stealing

Stop being so fucking retardedly evasive
you mean like the way a little bitch does when she wrecks your car and says its OK cause you can still drive it... ya OK, not like anyone is out something