Music + Running


Active Member
May 13, 2007
Just went for a run (for the first time in nearly a month :erk: ) and had Amon Amarth on shuffle. I forgot how great they are simply for stuff like this. It's specifically tremelo parts like:

Annihilation of Hammerfest - :48
Bastards of a Lying Breed - :21
Metalwrath - :59 (first song I heard by AA, years ago, this is what got me into them :p )
For The Stabwounds In Our Backs - 1:03 + 3:31

Should get an idea of what I mean from that. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could recommend similar bands/songs? I've probably heard most of what people will suggest but may have forgotten about it so any ideas would be great.
If I was listening to Amon Amarth while running I would act like I was a viking and go pillage the nearest house.
Metal and exercise go hand in hand. I know it is not exactly the same genre as Amon Amarth, but Archetype by Fear Factory (or anything by them, really) works a treat with me. Plus my metal running face always guarantees the treadmill next to me is empty.

Otherwise, With Oden on our side has worked really well for me, 45 minutes of running and then some cool down. Sometimes I even listen to Korpliklaani.

no but seriously i listen to arch enemy a lot for exercise, dead bury their dead in particular
My running playlist:
first segment:
The Black Dahlia Murder - Elder Misanthropy then Thy Horror Cosmic then Hymn For The Wretched (I usually get about halfway through Hymn before I complete this segment)
second segment (about a 4 minute walk) - Closed Casket Requiem
Then, third segment, running again, ends going up a hill
Amon Amarth - Victorious March - the first couple minutes are really perfect because it's all rhythmic. It's also just badass.
Then I power walk home to random stuff.
i've been known to have AA on when i'm pumping iron...seriously a lot of fun and i tend to get more out of my workout when i have them on. more explosive type reps, resulting in mass tear of the muslces resulting in mass size :) i'm a tank. :)

the music fires me up like a crazed man! ha!
I haven't exercised in about 6 years. But I do enjoy listening to Amon Amarth.

That makes two of us. I keep telling myself I need to go back to the dojo. I can definitely see some serious kata accompanied by Amon Amarth. And For the Stabwounds in Our Backs blasting while hammering a makiwara into pulp.

I always liked Cannibal Corpse for pushing myself through workouts I hated doing. Like running. Or cycling. Or any bloody cardio for that matter.
I find it's way better in autumn/winter than summer. Fuck heat.

Indeed. I think I may have inverse Seasonal Affective Disorder so whenever everyone is complaining about days getting shorter and getting the winter blues, I am as high as a fucking kite.

And besides, normally gyms try to cut corners by not putting the air conditioning until it gets boiling hot in the summer, so this being Scotland... well, I dont think the gym even has one.
Indeed. I think I may have inverse Seasonal Affective Disorder so whenever everyone is complaining about days getting shorter and getting the winter blues, I am as high as a fucking kite.

And besides, normally gyms try to cut corners by not putting the air conditioning until it gets boiling hot in the summer, so this being Scotland... well, I dont think the gym even has one.

Yeah, I like winter and late autumn best. Summer is fine but I enjoy enjoy evenings when it's warm and the sun is going down etc. So good for BBQs. ;>

I hadn't noticed your location before, now it makes sense why your English is so much better than most the Spanish I've talked with. :p Edinburgh is a great city, haven't been in years. ;/