Other heavy bands

Try Depeche Mode.... kidding. Although some will disagree.... try Opeth (not the Damnation album though)....
If you're on to getting into DM and BM.... try Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes and Black Winter Day EP..... it got me into DM and BM although i cant classify it as neither DM nor BM. Maybe doom..... but it still got me a stage higher after a year listening to Helloween.....
Eisbar: Death is definitly a good start..... I started with "Leprosy"....

Some useful tip - try to find Metalheads over the internet or in your place of living.... not the posers type, the "TRUE" (if it is a useble term at all) guys.
There's a lot of younger people here I know, it's really a fruitful age if you want to discover music and get to know more bands and find your place in the genre and all that. Before, when I was living at home, it was way easier for me to buy many CD's per week, discover all these new bands etc. but once you get to work it's harder. Even for me now as I study to become a gartner and 2 months of the education will be practice and work. I was more varied before but now I've become narrowed down to death metal. Origin, Vile, Visceral Bleeding, Origin, Spawn of Possession, Disawoved-all those guys. Also, I'm more open to other music too though it's more of a fun thing to do you know, not such a big hobby as metal is.l
haha i am too druink an a party with swedfish whores fuck all swediosh womena re fuckignb whores to hell wit hthem and such yeah