~ MUSIC THREAD ~ starring: ne obliviscaris

you're best off ...

speaking of dorian ... that track Erik posted could easily be some Dream Theater evolution as well ... minus the vocals.
you're best off ...

speaking of dorian ... that track Erik posted could easily be some Dream Theater evolution as well ... minus the vocals.

also the difference is its good music and nothing like dream theater
this is pretty ... terrible ... the second track sounds like layers of drums on top of one another. is the drummer an octopus? or is it a shitty mix?

Erik, you shittin me bro?

haha what was that stuff Erik was ranting about recently? Some kind of mixing software? This sounds exactly the same.
I mean, it's cool, I dig it...but it's nothing special and screamy vocals, well, I just can't take any more screamy vocals. Either sing or get off the stage.


Man, maybe I shouldn't.
note that those comments were referring to the OTHER video posted in this thread, not by me but by someone with taste evidently less impeccable
Revisiting this. It is quite good. Perfect first world problem music occurrence though: near perfection, and yet I feel like there is better stuff I should be paying attention to instead. Silly existence, ours.

The comparison to Dream Theater is valid either way. Fucking hilariously so, but still, quite apt. I don't like them either, but I do like this, whatever that is worth. That makes nonsense, yet really, it does.

From the minute they first stepped onto the Aussie music scene, Ne Obliviscaris knew that it was always going to be hard for a progressive extreme metal band with a violin player to make money. But they may not have anticipated just how hard it would be.

Despite achieving huge amounts of global recognition, the Melbourne act have just revealed how dire their finances are after three international tours, confessing that they’ve suffered a collective loss of at least $60,000.

And in what they’ve called “the most important thing we have ever done in our career”, NeO are now appealing to fans to help keep them on the road.

They’ve launched an interactive membership program or Patreon campaign, which outlines the financial realities of trying to make money in a “broken system” where the internet and other factors make it next to impossible for musicians to even earn the minimum Aussie wage ($17.29AUD per hour).

Not hard to believe when even Kanye West is torrenting shit on Pirate Bay these days.

And in the post accompanying the campaign, the band implores fans to help them support their families and mortgages in a world where “only the biggest of the bands are able to make a living” by putting the onus on punters to decide whether or not the band will continue: “We want to do it by empowering YOU, the fans, so that you get to decide who succeeds and who doesn’t”.

On NeO’s Patreon platform, fans can donate as much or as little as they want on an ongoing basis, and in return can expect exclusive benefits like pre-sale ticket options, exclusive live chats with the band, special merchandise and access to unreleased material.

If fans want to pledge $250 or more per month they will be granted the rank of ‘Grand Master In The Order Of The Ne Obluminati’ and become part of the band’s inner circle.

The fact that one of Australia’s biggest metal experts must resort to charity to keep their careers afloat is a mark of how screwed up today’s music industry has become.

You may recall ex-Thy Art Is Murder frontman CJ McMahon breaking fans hearts last year when he quit the band because the financial toll was too great.

And despite the Australian Liberal Government’s belief that local musicians rake in an annual salary of over $300K, McMahon’s claim that he – as another one of the country’s most successful heavy artists – was raking in a MAXIMUM of $3,000 a year is another grim wake-up call.

A study released last year also found that the majority of Australian performers are not only underpaid, but also experience higher rates of mental illness and suicide than their counterparts in other industries.

So it seems like there need to be some major changes to the way the Australian music industry operates if we don’t want to lose all of our best bands.


hahahaha wow. That's pretty damn funny. I do really like their one album, and wish them good luck with this new thing, but...

Real musicians have day jobs. Or, they live very, very frugally. I've met many Rock Stars through work, big time players, and 50% of them have other work on the side. 40% of them live like paupers. And the final 10% married an attorney/nurse/etc.
Played a show last night to a pretty sizable crowd. The bar made a lot of money and good time was had by all.

I was paid 2 beers.
But... they're artists, man. They derserve their hobby paid, unlike people who like to make cars pretty or shoot stuff or whatever. Because those people don't get feelings.