Music to be miserable to...

Liquid Diamonds said:
I find it depressing that James Blunt exists. And even more depressing than that is the fact that he got a record deal. Has anyone actually listened to that 'Youre Beautiful' garbage?


But, if it does it for ya when yer miserable, then great :)
But may I just ask... why?

why are those lyrics bad? theyre not "deep", but i think its something everyone with a pulse can relate to.
NineFeetUnderground said:
why are those lyrics bad? theyre not "deep", but i think its something everyone with a pulse can relate to.

Theres other ways of doing it without making it so 'in your face' obvious. It hasnt been much thought simply because it is what everyone thinks. Hes a lazy artist and sounds like a male version of shakira.
Katatonia - Earlier works
Shape of Despair - First two FLs
Like someone said, Opeth - Damnation
Mozart - The Piano Concertos.. any.
affinityband said:
Theres other ways of doing it without making it so 'in your face' obvious. It hasnt been much thought simply because it is what everyone thinks. Hes a lazy artist and sounds like a male version of shakira.

i was talking about the lyrics to that song only. being that i dont listen to the radio much, and frankly dont care one way or another about him otherwise, i was simply saying i thought those lyrics werent "the worst" as the person above stated, because theyre relevant to anyone at almost any given time.

listen to john lennon's imagine....extremely simple lyrics...but something everyone can/should think about.
NineFeetUnderground said:
why are those lyrics bad? theyre not "deep", but i think its something everyone with a pulse can relate to.

No, no, it's not the subject or the depth that bothers me. Having been sad enough to take the time to listen to the lyrics all the way through, I realised that the song isn't coherent. It doesn't make sense, from beginning to end. For instance, at an early point in the song, Mr Blunt appears to be lamenting the fact that he can't get this 'beautiful' girl of his dreams. He then, however, states rather chirpily: 'But I've got a plan!'
However, not only are we never informed of this 'olan', but he closes the song by saying 'and I dont know what to do.' How the fuck does that go hand in hand with having a plan? I may seem like I'm nitpicking, but it just struck me as dumb, and more importantly, really fucking lazy.
I don't write very poetic or inspired lyrics, but at least I try to implement a little fucking consistency.
But I imagine you have better things to do than nitpick over that song, so I imagine you never noticed these flaws :p
Commence Destruction said:
track down either Silent Hill 1 or 2 soundtrack.

Seconded. The Silent Hill 3 OST is really good too actually, though it has more vocals on it than the previous ones (which have basically none). But the SH2 soundtrack is stunning.
Liquid Diamonds said:
No, no, it's not the subject or the depth that bothers me. Having been sad enough to take the time to listen to the lyrics all the way through, I realised that the song isn't coherent. It doesn't make sense, from beginning to end. For instance, at an early point in the song, Mr Blunt appears to be lamenting the fact that he can't get this 'beautiful' girl of his dreams. He then, however, states rather chirpily: 'But I've got a plan!'
However, not only are we never informed of this 'olan', but he closes the song by saying 'and I dont know what to do.' How the fuck does that go hand in hand with having a plan? I may seem like I'm nitpicking, but it just struck me as dumb, and more importantly, really fucking lazy.
I don't write very poetic or inspired lyrics, but at least I try to implement a little fucking consistency.
But I imagine you have better things to do than nitpick over that song, so I imagine you never noticed these flaws :p

well, perhaps his plan is to make a move next time that happens...realizing he's missed his chance with the girl hes lamenting over during the song. i dont know, i dont even know ALL of the words off the top of my head, nor do i really care. but id say as a whole, the song makes enough sense to not be "the worst lyrics ever" or whatever it was you said.
affinityband said:
Theres other ways of doing it without making it so 'in your face' obvious. It hasnt been much thought simply because it is what everyone thinks. Hes a lazy artist and sounds like a male version of shakira.

Yeah. They're not exactly the worst ever lyrics...just so cliched and devoid of creativity that it is difficult to find any positives in them. You could write a song about petting dogs that i could relate to, if that's your sole criteria nfu - but that won't make it worth hearing.

Still, this is a metal forum, so wtf are we doing talking about lyrics? JAMES BLUNT lyrics?
NineFeetUnderground said:
listen to john lennon's imagine....extremely simple lyrics...but something everyone can/should think about.

that song is so overplayed, i cringe whenever i hear it
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Yeah. There's nothing exactly the worst ever lyrics...they are just so cliched and devoid of creativity that it is difficult to find any positives in them. You could write a song about petting dogs that i could relate to, if that's your sole criteria nfu - but that won't make it worth hearing.

Still, this is a metal forum, so wtf are we doing talking about lyrics? JAMES BLUNT lyrics?

I wasnt saying it was even worth hearing really, but thats not my ONLY criteria...the song isnt THAT bad, its just NOT very good. I was just contesting that theyre lyrics everyone can relate to, so it keeps them from being the worst lyrics ever imo, which is what he stated.

And the day this forum stays 100% metal, is the day this forum dies.