Music While Working Out?


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
What styles/bands do you listen to while working out?

I usually listen to some kind of epicish black metal, like Aeternus, Drudkh, Summoning, etc, with the occational doom/death ban, or a some music that can move me. I want music that is thought provoking, and things where you really have to pay attention to understand what is going on.

Coal Chamber, once Dez goes THIS IS THE WAY ITS GOT TO BE!!! in oddity i flip out and somehow im able to lift a lot more than usual ;)
You listen to thought provoking music while working out?:zombie:

I thought you'd go along the lines of determined and pissed off metal like Vader, Deicide, Cryptopsy etc...Gets the energy going.
At the moment i am listening to FALKENBACH
Granted, the only working out I do that has music is jogging, because playing basketball or football with buddies doesn't involve music.
I don't work out because instead of driving I walk, and I do hard physical labor at my job for 8-10 hours a day. I Listen to music to relax. Lifting weights to me is just more work, and that's the last thing I want to do when I've spent 10 hours lifting couches and refrigerators.
Pull The Plug said:
You listen to thought provoking music while working out?:zombie:

I thought you'd go along the lines of determined and pissed off metal like Vader, Deicide, Cryptopsy etc...Gets the energy going.
My thoughts exactly! Thought provoking metal is the last thing I want when working out. Drudkh??? I listen to them when I'm relaxing...

Anyways, I listen to mostly brutal DM, RATM, or pullyourvikingswordandkill type metal (some Primordial fits the bill)

That being said, I find hard rock to be much better suited to working out than most metal (that's where RATM comes in)
I take Children of Bodom's Hatebreeder most of the time when I go to the gym and it always keeps me pumped up the whole time.
cookiecutter said:
Anything with a good rythm and groove I think is good. Death metal and thrash metal suit this purpose well.

Got it in one. If you're going to lift weights, a good, solid rhythm section is absolutely called for.

I use GHOUL - We came for the Dead and GHOUL - Maniaxe quite a lot when I *ahem* pump Iron :erk:
I hit the weights often, and when I do, these albums are likely to be played:

Slayer - Reign in Blood
Behemoth - Demigod
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
1349 - Hellfire
Hypocrisy - Virus
Carcass - Necroticism
Vader - The Beast