Sullen Jester

Corporate Executive
Sep 12, 2001
Beneath The World

After a really in depth conversation with a friend, I started talking to Orchid and I lost my mind! I became more vocal! We had (still are) a great conversation on music!

And I feel that I must post it here! AND I intend to stop using exclamation marks!!!!

This is mainly copied and pasted from ICQ history, but, it's good enough. At some points it may seem hard to understand, but thats because:

  • I wrote half or more of it.
  • It's between two people, thus "Yes! I agree" appears in it.


I first heard them via Silhouette, I loved that song. It's beautiful.

When I heard the "actual" songs, I was blown away.

To some people, it may be "Oh big shit, a 20 minute song, whoopdidoo" and thats it.

When you listen to it, you listen to the structure, the story being told (both by the music AND the vocals) it's not just a "20 minute song".

Theres actual depth to metal, rather than punk, rap, r&b, pop etc. etc.

Theres nothing to that!
You, Lasse, Jani, Mika and whatshisname should put on tight fashionable clothes, write a song about how much better you are than the rest of humankind, how this bitch isnt good enough for you, pay some bum to make a shallow music track to it, and you can be MILLIONAIRES! BILLIONAIRES, even, just for corrupting teenagers minds! How profitable!

Yes, that's what seperates you from TRENDY fucking music!

They say that "metal" is bad, "metal" is going to send us to hell!

Okay, lets listen to rap!
We will be much better than METALHEADS! We will take excessive amounts of drugs! We will become complete mysogenists! We will learn to disrespect eachother!

Okay, lets listen to pop and r&b!
We will be mucgh better than GOTHS! We will learn to have casual sex! We will learn how to be much more important than others! We will learn how to be true fucking egotists!

Okay, fuck that!
Let's listen to "INTELLECTUAL METAL" (What I use to describe Opeth, and a few, FEW, others).

We will be EQUAL with everyone else! We will NOT learn how to destroy our lives! We will NOT learn how to be egistical, racist, mysogenist, homophobes! We will learn how to compose epic stories! We will learn to appreciete REAL music, in depth environments of noise and sound, NOT something that just "sounds nice"!

The image I have of metalheads is that they respect everybody's personal tastes, whether it be the taste of beer, music, fashion, women, men, what the fuck ever... they (WE) are TOLERANT.

But, I think this only applies to the "true" (don't be messing that with the "tr00 blackmetal fans"... they are wicked :p) metal fans... just like people who can truly actually appreciate the music of Opeth. Intelligent beings.


They accept people as EQUALS!
I have yet to meet a TRUE equalarian non-metalhead!

Like, some people I know around here, they accept "everyone" as equal! Then they turn on Bin Laden and tell me that he is the scum of the fucking earth!
That's fucking equal!

(I am NOT supporting the attacks on WTC 911, but there is no REAL proof for USA's attack on Bin Laden and the Taliban)

They don't realise that he is HUMAN too! What if he liked OPETH too?!? And what if he liked CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM too?! Will we forget that he has GOOD qualities, along with his bad ones? You could probably get into a really involved conversation about your love of Mikael's genius, and the variations of chocolate ice cream. Would you say "I'm not talking to him, he's a bad man!"? Would you decline a potentially fruitful friendship?

Go to the 2XL metal shirts thread and read my post on respect, I think I explain it there.

Okay, so this is a long way of saying it, but, our "evil", "conforming" METAL is A HELL OF A LOT BETTER than our wonderful, brainwashing, degrading POP MUSIC, our RAP and R&B!

You see how "sensible" people promote our deaths?? You see how they want us to abandon an intellectual artform, just so we can be sheep like everyone else?

Can you see Mikael walking up onto stage and start a massive riff, and sing "And I took the shiny needle, and implanted it in its beauty in my arm, filling me with my love, my morphine"

Have you ever heard of a metal (real metal, not punk or thier ilk) that promotes the use of drugs?

Apart from being more detailed, more technical, and most importantly, MORE MUSICAL, metal will NOT lead you to damnation, but more likely, SAVE you from it.

And yes, looking back at this, I agree with my signature.

A very fascibnating conversation. It brings up a lot of good points. Metal is a hell of a lot better than pop-culture music.

My bro listens to rap, hip-hop, and r&b. His favorite songs that I've listened to include violence, prostitution, robbery, rape, drugs, shooting, the pursuit of money at all costs, and general gangster stuff, yet he considers metal (particularly Opeth) crazy, evil, and anti-social music?
Originally posted by Belial
A very fascibnating conversation. It brings up a lot of good points. Metal is a hell of a lot better than pop-culture music.

My bro listens to rap, hip-hop, and r&b. His favorite songs that I've listened to include violence, prostitution, robbery, rape, drugs, shooting, the pursuit of money at all costs, and general gangster stuff, yet he considers metal (particularly Opeth) crazy, evil, and anti-social music?

Oh, oh, oh, how could I miss this?

Our "evil metal" teaches us to bow down to Satan!
It's so obvious and I MISSED it!

When we listen to the MUSIC that an ATHIEST creates, we're obviously being told to worship LUCIFER!

Silly me!
Have you ever heard of a metal (real metal, not punk or thier ilk) that promotes the use of drugs?

Yes. A number of bands actually...!

In any form of music, there is at least SOME people who take drugs and express that through their music.
Originally posted by Trapped

Yes. A number of bands actually...!

In any form of music, there is at least SOME people who take drugs and express that through their music.

...Fine then :cry:

I'll just be over there..

But.. WOOOOOOOOOOO! 666th POST! haha! I'm a man now! :lol:

I know quite a few musicians who take drugs, often after gigs toking up with weed and such, but thats it.

While you have countered my claim here, I have not heard a single metal band actually say in their songs "Lets take drugs! it's cool!" as so prevalent in rap, r&b etc.
To stress the point. Let's compare some lyrics, shall we?

Eminem - Kill You

They said I can't rap about bein’ broke no more.
They say I can't rap about coke no more.
(AHHH!) Slut, you think I won't choke no whore
‘till the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more?!
(AHHH!) These motherfuckers are thinkin’ I'm playin’
Thinkin’ I'm sayin’ this shit cuz I'm thinkin’ it just to be sayin’ it
(AHHH!) Put your hands down BITCH, I ain't gon' shoot you.
I'ma pull +YOU+ to this bullet, and put it through you
(AHHH!) Shut up slut, you're causin’ too much chaos
Just bend over and take it slut, okay Ma?
“Oh, now he's rapin’ his own mother, abusing a whore,
snorting coke, and we gave him the Rolling Stone cover?"
You goddamn right BITCH, and now it's too late,
I'm triple platinum and tragedies happened in two states.
I invented violence, you vile venomous volatile bitches
vain Vicodin, vrinnn Vrinnn, VRINNN! {*chainsaw revs up*}
Texas Chainsaw, left his brains all
Danglin’ from his neck, while his head barely hangs on.
Blood, guts, guns, cuts.
Knives, lives, wives, nuns, sluts.

Opeth - Advent

It was all true, a parlour strode, and the night sets forever...
I stray in the quiet cold, and you gird me when I dear to listen.
Elastic meadow, endless arms of sorrow, lips try to form "because"...
Trying to adapt to the wilderness, when even foes close their eyes and leave...
We are inside the glade, every now and then I wipe the dust aside, to remember...
How I drape my face, with my bare hands...the same that brought me here.
And you were beyond all help. The folded message that wept my name
Shadows skulk at my coming. We survey the slopes...
In search for the words to write the missing page...the tainted dogma
Time goes short as the piper plays his tune. We are almost there...
You are beyond all help, dancing into the void
We are almost there...
but you just did post... And i'm to tired to post as well. But i will :)

It is true, most often when people unaccustomed to it hear death vox, they automatically assume that these people who are singing are satanists or something. That is stupid. Talk about prejudice. Anyway i am pretty tired and i don't even know if i am making any sense... am i thinking this or am i typing this alloud? :D

mmm...... sleep.....