Must not get banned...must not get banned...

Hey Marcus! :D

That clip you posted is definitely the best tone you've gotten so far. CONGRATS! :D

Tottally agree with that!

Btw boogie board is a great forum for all amp tech gold advices but I can't stay more than 10mn with all his "elitist grail tone guru":lol:
I used to be surprised by things like that.

Then I was surprised by how little I was surprised by things like that.

Now I'm surprised that I'm not at all surprised by how surprising that isn't.


Seriously Marcus, why even open your mouth anymore? You're plain wrong about everything.

And quoting Jeff was the worst thing you could have done. Not only is he wrong about everything, he manages to piss off the people who are right just in the way he says things.

I think you need to stay off the internet for a bit until you get your life straightened out buddy.

...if you like eating horse manure. :P Keep rockin' the peace bro, you got patience. Mucho props.
I couldn't take them seriously after one of the guys spoke of his love for the Sonic Maximizer.


I've never, ever got the hype surrounding those things. They always seemed more like a band aid that makes you perceive the tone as being better for a short while. I'll never ever buy one.
Then you get rid of it from the signal chain and realize you probably need new pickups or something that will actually CONTRIBUTE PROPERLY to getting a better sound.
I've never, ever got the hype surrounding those things. They always seemed more like a band aid that makes you perceive the tone as being better for a short while. I'll never ever buy one.
Then you get rid of it from the signal chain and realize you probably need new pickups or something that will actually CONTRIBUTE PROPERLY to getting a better sound.

Yep, had a love hate relationship with one, still got it.
Now the funny thing with it is it sounds like arse through a tube amp, but sounds really good through a solid state, dunno why, maybe Jeff could shed some light on the subject.
I've never, ever got the hype surrounding those things. They always seemed more like a band aid that makes you perceive the tone as being better for a short while. I'll never ever buy one.
Then you get rid of it from the signal chain and realize you probably need new pickups or something that will actually CONTRIBUTE PROPERLY to getting a better sound.

I usually describe them as beer goggles for the same reason... at the time, the tone you go home with seems fine, but in the morning you regret it...

I certainly hope nobody over there somehow got the impression that I'm a 'cork-sniffer', or that they don't seriously recognize the problems that arise under circumstances other than 'double-blind test' with gear, but if they have to be misled to enjoy their tone have I got the 'magic tone mojo' for them... ten boxes containing only input and output jacks wired to each other for the low, low price of $199.99, coming right up!

Yeah, I saw that. The only thing better than being ignorant is being stubborn about it. I'm not the ultimate tube amp guru (tm), but have done enough tinkering around so I'm slightly less ignorant than most. I've found that once somebody's mind is made up as to what will make their tone better, it's almost impossible to change it.

It kind of reminds me of those boxes that you see for sale on Ebay that basically consist of a pot and two 1/4" jacks. The seller says to put it in the effects loop so you can crank your master volume and it will help you get that "cranked amp tone" at lower volumes. Crock of shit--it just puts another pot before your master volume pot, so you can turn the one down and turn the other up to absolutely no effect, but the guy makes $20 each and people buy them gloating about the huge difference it made on their tone.

SERIOUSLY - especially cuz that asshole markets it as a "power soak/attenuator" :waah: (<-- is my reaction to humanity)

Hey Marcus! :D

That clip you posted is definitely the best tone you've gotten so far. CONGRATS! :D

And you won't get banned for that, if you got... that forum simply sucks and they're fucking retards, you haven't said anything offensive...

dude... ever thought of YES getting banned? seems to be a crowd of total retards down there

Tottally agree with that!

Btw boogie board is a great forum for all amp tech gold advices but I can't stay more than 10mn with all his "elitist grail tone guru":lol:

Keep rockin' the peace bro, you got patience. Mucho props.

Haha, thanks guys, and nah, getting banned isn't my style, though I definitely have pretty much given up on the place - the guy has the gall to call US corksniffers, yet check out this thread where he goes on and on about all different NOS and vintage and blah blah blah preamp tubes and the huge differences they make, all observed by playing the amp at loud volumes in the room (probably standing in different positions) with all the sound reflecting everywhere, then turning it off, switching the tube, turning it back on, rocking out a few more riffs, and EUREKA - what a difference! Real scientific, I've never heard anything scream "PLACEBO" so blatantly :Smug:

I used to be surprised by things like that.

Then I was surprised by how little I was surprised by things like that.

Now I'm surprised that I'm not at all surprised by how surprising that isn't.



Hahahahahahahaa, dude, don't I know it! :lol:
I certainly hope nobody over there somehow got the impression that I'm a 'cork-sniffer', or that they don't seriously recognize the problems that arise under circumstances other than 'double-blind test' with gear, but if they have to be misled to enjoy their tone have I got the 'magic tone mojo' for them... ten boxes containing only input and output jacks wired to each other for the low, low price of $199.99, coming right up!


SERIOUSLY, that's what I'm saying, I think of us as like the ultimate anti-cork sniffers simply because we detest the gearslutz attitude of "if the preamp isn't at least $1k and the converters $2k, don't even bother, sell all your stuff on ebay and take up pottery!" :lol:
Amp = Flubby, Preamp Tube Change, Amp = Not Flubby...

Fucking idiots...

Yeah, here's a gem from that thread I linked to above:

V1 & V2 - Most will say V1 is the most important slot of the preamp and they would be right... but not fully when in terms with the Roadster. In the Roadster i have found V1 and V2 really work together a lot more than other amps. I found V1 really sets up the whole preamp in terms of headroom, compression and the higher frequencies. I experimented with tubes that stayed very clean and some that broke up very early and what i found was the ones that stayed clean at high volumes offered the most headroom to the entire preamp no matter what i put in any other slot (with maybe the exception of V6 but we'll get to that in a bit). So with that logic if you throw a tube that has an earlier breakup point the entire amp will feel more compressed and will give you "heavier" or "crunchier" tones at lower levels which was great for channels 3 and 4 but limited channels 1 and 2 somewhat.

Except lower levels mean the power section, and the preamp section "levels" are determined by adjusting the gain knob...ssssiiiiiigggghhhh

And to be clear, I'm always open to have my mind changed, but these people never provide any clips, so I guess we're just meant to take their word for it?
Marcus my only comment after reading all that is this ...

you're too fuckin nice sometimes ;) Its cool to keep your cool but once in a while you should unleash the fuckin fury on asshats like that. What would Jbroll do? :D

Cheers buddy!
What would Jbroll do? :D
