My 2p about metal writing


Active Member
Apr 10, 2006

I recently stumbled upon an article on a site called Metal Sucks (I don't normally go there) and I thought of certain annoying stereotypes that somehow go along writing about metal. I wouldn't react to that article on the site anyway and after seeing the author's note, it wouldn't really matter anyway.


But still, the article is here and I will use it as an example of what I have in mind. I'm only reacting to the first paragraph here as it's enough to get the point across I think.

With the exception of maybe classical, I cannot think of a genre more fixated on the past than metal. I’ve been listening to metal for 25 years, and from what I can tell, the metal scene has remained frozen in 1995. In contrast to other genres, who are all about what’s fresh, new and interesting, metal just seems content to keep talking about the same fucking bands year after year after year, and I just don’t get it.

1) How can you not think of other genres that are "stuck in the past"? What about country, pop, jazz, rap? I don't see a big difference there and this is my first point. People who write about metal as if it was some enlightening deep as fuck musical genre pretend they know it all but they rarely see outside of metal's borders. Or at least this is the feeling I get. Secondly -on the other hand- contemporary classical is making up more and more crazy new shit tbh. And I'm getting to the second point here:

2) Somehow people who write about metal think it's cool to at least mention classical every time. Probably because it seems elite and therefore it's an attractive comparison. However, classical is hardly even connected to metal and not more than other genres of music. The strongest bond is probably the introverted, specific fanbase.

Don't tell me I should respond to that person as these are widespread bad habits. Of course you're free to respond angrily, person.
I know it's hard to compare connections between genres and I'm not even going there to measure anything as it's bullshit. But why don't people mention classic rock more often, the genre that metal grew on. Pop similarly uses extravagant visuals and hip-hop similarly vocalises controversial themes in the lyrics. Classical? That is way further than all of these. I just think people should open their eyes to other genres and stop considering metal some superb elite artistic movement that needs to keep on raping posers with it's intellectual depth because that's dumb and comes of as pretentious.
Can't really say much now (heading out to work) but I would think that the comparison to classical that is so often made (as opposed to other genres) stems from the widespread belief among 'metalheads' that Pop music (for example) is garbage made by people with no talent, so comparing Metal to Pop would kind of be degrading to Metal in a way since to them Metal is a 'superior' music genre. A respect towards Classical on the other hand seems widespread even if they don't really listen to it or know much about it, and it is generally seen as a ideal of sorts, and thus the comparison of Metal to Classical is made to kind of place Metal on a ground higher than other genres and about equal to Classical. It is often said by many among the metal community that Metal is the new Classical or something along those lines.

In any case, as I said must head out now but I think the reason for your second point probably has to do with this.
Even though there are only a minute amount of similarities between Metal and Classical, I've seen a lot of people compare the two based on the fact both are sometimes dissonant. I also think you'll find a lot of Metal fans listening to Classical because I think Metal fans are more prone to listening to music that's a little harder to grasp.
1) How can you not think of other genres that are "stuck in the past"? What about pop, rap?

Well first of all rap and pop are not music. No I'm not trolling in this case, I'm 100% serious. Boasting about how many gangstas you killed, and how you selled your mom to get money (all that in a talking way, not even singing), coupled with a "yo", and "nigga" is not music. Same goes for pop. Having huge boobs and ass does not make you any less talentless.

Also, what "stuck in the past" actually means? That some songs/albums are legendary and so good, that people still listens them 40 years later? I would gladly listen to something new, that has even 1/32 the awesomeness of Zeppelin or <insert band here>, but I'm sorry there's not.

Leave brainwashed people to their ignorance/arrogance, to think whatever they want about metal. Talking to sheeps does not get you anywhere.
Well first of all rap and pop are not music. No I'm not trolling in this case, I'm 100% serious. Boasting about how many gangstas you killed, and how you selled your mom to get money (all that in a talking way, not even singing), coupled with a "yo", and "nigga" is not music. Same goes for pop. Having huge boobs and ass does not make you any less talentless.

I hate people who say this. I don't like rap, but if you're going to judge all rap based on a few of the mainstream acts, it's like judging all metal based on Slipknot.

And did you really say fucking "selled"? It's "sold", you fucktard.
I hate people who say this. I don't like rap, but if you're going to judge all rap based on a few of the mainstream acts, it's like judging all metal based on Slipknot.

And did you really say fucking "selled"? It's "sold", you fucktard.

Yeah agreed, all genres have bullshit and gems.

I recently stumbled upon an article on a site called Metal Sucks (I don't normally go there) and I thought of certain annoying stereotypes that somehow go along writing about metal. I wouldn't react to that article on the site anyway and after seeing the author's note, it wouldn't really matter anyway.

But still, the article is here and I will use it as an example of what I have in mind. I'm only reacting to the first paragraph here as it's enough to get the point across I think.

1) How can you not think of other genres that are "stuck in the past"? What about country, pop, jazz, rap? I don't see a big difference there and this is my first point. People who write about metal as if it was some enlightening deep as fuck musical genre pretend they know it all but they rarely see outside of metal's borders. Or at least this is the feeling I get. Secondly -on the other hand- contemporary classical is making up more and more crazy new shit tbh. And I'm getting to the second point here:

2) Somehow people who write about metal think it's cool to at least mention classical every time. Probably because it seems elite and therefore it's an attractive comparison. However, classical is hardly even connected to metal and not more than other genres of music. The strongest bond is probably the introverted, specific fanbase.

Don't tell me I should respond to that person as these are widespread bad habits. Of course you're free to respond angrily, person.

Mainly agreed with you, massively disagreed with person. First of all, I disagree that metal is stuck in the past. I mean fuck there's new subgenres and insane new ways of doing things invented all the time, and thanks to the internet, all these amazing new fusions are accessible to us. Second off, comparing metal and classical, saying the former arose due to the latter, is like saying we wouldn't have cars if we didn't have wheels first. NO. FUCKING. SHIT. Classical music has been around awhile, it's bound to affect modern style.

It somehow in a roundabout way brings me to the point that music has all been slowly moving towards the unifying concept of good tunes, and the fans of that music along with it. No more elitism, no more close-mindedness... just artistic striving and creed.

And thank fucking god because if I meet one more dude who says he only listens to metal I'm gonna rip out my still beating heart and sacrifice it to Kali so this world gets wiped.
And did you really say fucking "selled"? It's "sold", you fucktard.

Yeah, I'm sorry that english is not my native language, and I was writing too fast to notice. Really Really sorry Mr grammar nazi. It won't happen again.

I hate people who say this. I don't like rap, but if you're going to judge all rap based on a few of the mainstream acts, it's like judging all metal based on Slipknot.

I'm not talking only about mainstream today's acts. Most of the stuff from the most respected rappers from the rap community, is about gang wars, exploiting prostitution, and general boasting. You also need no talent (neither vocals, nor playing any instrument), to write or "sing" an average rap song.
Show me how metal is often atonal (aka more than a couple of terrible avant-garde bands)

Excuse me, I meant to say dissonant. I don't even think I can name any atonal metal.

If I'm still wrong about dissonance, as I have a hard time remembering music terms, just disregard what I have to say.
I'm not talking only about mainstream today's acts. Most of the stuff from the most respected rappers from the rap community, is about gang wars, exploiting prostitution, and general boasting. You also need no talent (neither vocals, nor playing any instrument), to write or "sing" an average rap song.

Just stop. It's obvious you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Actually I have a better idea. If it takes no talent, why don't you make a rap song? If your rap is any good I'll consider it proof that no skill or talent is involved.
1) How can you not think of other genres that are "stuck in the past"? What about country, pop, jazz, rap? I don't see a big difference there and this is my first point. People who write about metal as if it was some enlightening deep as fuck musical genre pretend they know it all but they rarely see outside of metal's borders. Or at least this is the feeling I get. Secondly -on the other hand- contemporary classical is making up more and more crazy new shit tbh. And I'm getting to the second point here:

It seems clear to me that there's plenty of dynamism and change in metal. Though I am a neophyte, and though a metal fan may hate some or all of these bands for being pretentious or whatever (I tend to think that's basically a bullshit term), there's huge amounts of change and innovation represented in bands like Gorguts, Blut Aus Nord, Liturgy, and so on (again, whether you hate Liturgy or not, and whether the music is any good or not, it is new and creative). I'm sure there are more bands I don't know about.

Of course I also think there's plenty of change in the other genres you mentioned (maybe not country . . . ).

The thing I think really sets metal off on its own, besides the music itself, is the insanely meticulous and viciously policed proliferation of subgenres, fusion genres, subsubgenres, and so on. When you come towards metal from another kind of music, it's hard not to snicker at "doom death funeral black technical melodic core" whatever. As I've listened to more metal, it seems like a lot of those distinctions are justified, but it still sets metal apart from other genres.
Actually I have a better idea. If it takes no talent, why don't you make a rap song? If your rap is any good I'll consider it proof that no skill or talent is involved.

I have better things to do.

EDIT: Even though, I even have some friends that made rap albums from nothing. Thay were 16 years old, and had never recieved any vocal lessons, or had no clue about any instrument. They just paid a studio, and put the vocals on the songs, along with some clips of repetitive music from tapes. (There was no internet back then to help) Now with internet, it will be so much easier. If you try to do the same with metal or any genre that requires actual music skill, then send me a copy to die laughing.
Excuse me, I meant to say dissonant. I don't even think I can name any atonal metal.

If I'm still wrong about dissonance, as I have a hard time remembering music terms, just disregard what I have to say.

Nah man, dissonance is right. I just get annoyed with how many people misuse the word atonal ;)