My Acapella Cover Of "Gone"

Hahaha, I can't even tell that's Gone. It just sounds like a retard in monotone. Stop recording yourself and sharing with us. You're just embarrassing yourself and wasting everybody's time.
...Anyways...I think you should really leave the forum Kitty...Your negative posts are nothing but ignorant trash that just makes a good forum look bad. You are unwanted here and should stop with your child-like antics. Grow up!
deleted my previous post wtf :erk:

btw, nobody should be labeled as a ''tough guy'' for being critical, anyone with a good ear knows very well that the ''performance'' wasn't good at offence LifeDepraved( i like you fyi)
C'mon "funny man," I called him a tough guy because he said we were all too nice. I was joking with him.. Now I called kitty a stupid bitch because she is infact a stupid bitch.
Well that still doesn't make him a tough guy...if he said smth like: ''YOU ARE A BUNCH OF TASTELESS STUPID FAGGOTs, GO GAG ON A RHINO COCK'', now that would very tough guy-ish, understand?
Oh u think i'm funny ty ^_^