My best friend took his own life. Rest in Peace, Mike :(

I didn't even realize at first that it was bank robbery Mike. And I've been thinking about it all day since I saw the post this morning. I didn't know Mike personally except through his posting here, but once again I am sorry to everyone he was close to, and to his family. Rest in peace Mike.

Same here. Also, I think Mike played bass in Distorted Mind???? Again Will, my condolonsces to you, Mike's Family, and all who knew him. Will, I thought about calling you, but know you are going through a hard time. Like I've mentioned, I lost my best friend about a year ago to an accidental overdose so I kind of understand what you are going through. Will, if you need anything P.M. me and I'll give you my cell # or contact me here. Like I said before, and I think I can speak for the majority of people/posters/members here, we are here if you need us.

All i can do right now is offer words of comfort for will and anyone close to Mike, friends are like family to me, but Mike didn't deserve this, no one does, i just wish he could of asked for some kind of help. I have been through these things before, institutionalized twice, but then i look back at how, selfish i was, if i would of taken my OWN life, i never though of the people i would of hurt or inflicted pain on, i would of been missed very badley, just like Mike is right now, my thoughts go out to all his family and close friends. Anythign i can do, please let me know.
Will and everyone else who knew Mike, please remember that this had nothing to do with you. There was nothing you could have done differently; there was nothing you should have picked up on; there was nothing for you to take personally. Everything he ever did, good, bad, or indifferent is stil valid -- this only changes the future -- but this was about him and how he was feeling inside, and what he chose to do about that.

When something this shocking happens, looking for a way to wrap one's mind around it is as normal as the pain, and to that end our minds often wander to recent events looking for some meaning, some understanding, something, anything that we can touch. I am so sorry for your pain. Please try to take some time for yourselves and maybe get together and talk. It's a lot to take in.

Well said. Such things mostly can't be foreseen, but when they happen people start remembering things that happened or things he said, sometimes they try to put some deformed meaning into them – they say there were some signs. The truth is there was no meaning and no signs. The truth is there was nothing you could do.
Also a lot of people start subconsciously looking for someone to blame in tragic situation because they feel it would be easier for them to cope with the pain if they knew why it happened, had some explanation. But in such situation there is no one to blame. The fact of not being able to get to the bottom usually causes even bigger crisis of dealing with the pain. It’s really important to understand that there is no one responsible for that and that you’ll probably never completely understand what was going on in his head.
Take time to clarify things in your heads and I think getting together is probably a good idea.

I’m really sorry. RIP, Mike.
Im changing my avy to Denzel for a little while. His gag with him made me chuckle.

Don't care if it looks stupid. Denzel kicks ass.

ps you should all do it because it would rule
No. The avatar stays, as is the directive of the board females. I have to issue a formal poll before I'm allowed to change it.
yea... Will most certainly knows him better than any of us. Mike and I talked on and off over the past few weeks because early in the morning when I am at work and on aim, he was the only one on. So we talked a little bit each day. Not to mention Will and I both went to school with Mike. For the first 3 years of high school we saw and interacted with mike every day. We've all gone to many shows together both in Philly and abroad. For those of you at the Nevermore headline at Jaxx, he even drove to that! Mike was an awesome guy that had his goals of what he wanted to do in life and knew how to have a good time, too.

Heres a picture I just dolled up as a memorial...


Also, a very good friend of Mikes, Matt has begun to set up a place on the web to serve as a memorial to mike,

Check back in the future as it will come together very soon.
Kind of puts a whole new perspective on the gun argument/conversation we all had a couple weeks ago, eh?

RIP Mike :(

Are you telling me...that the gun conversation and friendly debate I had with THAT MIKE a few weeks ago, is now dead? This ain't no bank robbery? Denzel, Washington? Always got Denzel in his avatar, Mike? MIKE, MIKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Holy fucking shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I'm here every day and speak to him every day about something. Holy shit. Fuck me running. I can't believe it.

Why did he do it, do you know?

My condolences, dude. I'm deeply sorry. :cry:
Hey, I know I don't know you folks, but I saw this passing through the main forum. Sorry as hell to hear this, man... I've been through some very similar situations and still can't offer any advice on how to handle losing a best friend, or someone to suicide.

R.I.P. Mike - and thoughts to his friends.
I did indeed meet Mike at the aforementioned Jaxx show, and he did seem like a nice guy - and I generally enjoyed his posting here. As I said earlier, there can be nothing but sadness all around when someone reaches this point.

R.I.P. Mike.
this is such a shock to me. i know i don't post here much at all, but i still read it. Mike and I were in a band that branched off of Distorted Mind once that broke up. we've been playing for a few months now. I was supposed to go to Guitar Center this weekend with Mike to look at recording gear because we were getting set to self produce a cd for the band. he called me the night before this happened and just wanted to hang out but i wasn't feeling well. i don't know if that was his way of trying to reach out for something or not, but i wish i took him up on his offer. i wish i could have got to play guitar and jam with him one more time.

i didn't see this coming at all, and i'm gonna miss the kid. I've known him for years now. He is how I met Will. I just... I don't know what to do. We were supposed to have a band practice saturday and hang out. my drummer and I are going to still practice in his honor... and play all the songs for him. i'm just gonna miss the kid a lot.

RIP Mike Simoni... you'll never be forgotten, and you sure as hell will be missed
Shit I'm sorry Will. This sucks. I thought I might have met Mike briefly at Jaxx, and after seeing this photo now I remember. Seemed like a cool guy.

hope no one looks down on him for doing this either. Nobody wakes up and says to themselves "Hey, in a years time, i see myself committing..."

Obviously he would be as shocked as any of us would be, if say a year ago he could have had a look into the future and seen a "RIP Mike" thread, so we have to keep that in mind. It's easy to say "I'd never take my own life" when you don't have anything to contemplate taking your life for. We all like to THINK we'd never take our own lives. This could very well have been a "Rest in Peace Wolftribe" or "Rest in Peace Derek" or "Rest In Peace Mark" thread too. The worst part of suicide is that the person feels they have to do it and theres no other way out.

No one is suicide proof.