My best RevalverIII tone so far...

Damn that's an awesome sound! By the way, I prefer the first mix a little more. The guitars seem to have a little more clarity and bite (but just a little).

"...Gate -> compressor -> eq -> c4 -> ts". Gate, compressor, EQ, and C4...BEFORE the tube screamer? Seriously? Whatever you did, it sounds awesome! :kickass:
Jesus. I give up on Revalver. I can't get it to sound anywhere close to this level of quality. I'll probably stick with Gearbox. Sigh................ :-(

Amazing riffage BTW!!!!
Grubbkuk could you do everyone a huge favor and post a few of your favorite tweeked amp settings as a module presets? Especially when you post audio as killer sounding as this. A couple of screenshots of the plugin settings would be a huge bonus as well. Out of all the clips I heard of revalver MKIII your's have by far the best guitar tone.

Even the demo allows you to right click towards the left of the amp and save and load your tweaked amp settings as module presets. Might save us alot of grief trying to come anywhere close to the tone your getting. I know I'm nowhere in the ballpark even when I tried to follow your settings before, Just too many unknown variables that pictures or module presets would clear up instantly. Besides it would cut down on questions from everyone trying to figure what the hell you did.

I know it's alot to ask, but it's for the good of mankind, metalheads everywhere, (or at least my sanity.)
Sounds great! I think I like the guitar tone on the first one better, but the drums on the second one work better because the snare and kick don't jump out more than they should like on the first (at least on my speakers).
Grubbkuk could you do everyone a huge favor and post a few of your favorite tweeked amp settings as a module presets? Especially when you post audio as killer sounding as this. A couple of screenshots of the plugin settings would be a huge bonus as well. Out of all the clips I heard of revalver MKIII your's have by far the best guitar tone.

Even the demo allows you to right click towards the left of the amp and save and load your tweaked amp settings as module presets. Might save us alot of grief trying to come anywhere close to the tone your getting. I know I'm nowhere in the ballpark even when I tried to follow your settings before, Just too many unknown variables that pictures or module presets would clear up instantly. Besides it would cut down on questions from everyone trying to figure what the hell you did.

I know it's alot to ask, but it's for the good of mankind, metalheads everywhere, (or at least my sanity.)

I´ll se if I can put up something later today, right now I´m kinda busy

Sounds great! I think I like the guitar tone on the first one better, but the drums on the second one work better because the snare and kick don't jump out more than they should like on the first (at least on my speakers).

Yeah I know man, I hate what the mastering do to my drums
If anyone can give few tips here, it would be very helpful

can you elaborate on the panning? sounds like the 2 "amps" are left and right, not one 100% panned L and R and the other panned less L and R.

also - what's the delay/reverb effect I'm hearing on the right-side guitar in the beginning? i love that stuff. reminds me of delay on the rhythms on alice in hell.
can you elaborate on the panning? sounds like the 2 "amps" are left and right, not one 100% panned L and R and the other panned less L and R.

also - what's the delay/reverb effect I'm hearing on the right-side guitar in the beginning? i love that stuff. reminds me of delay on the rhythms on alice in hell.

6505 - 100%
XXX - 80%

There are two guitars in the beginning, therefor its not 100% hard-right
No delay/reverb whatsoever, just two guitars
6505 - 100%
XXX - 80%

There are two guitars in the beginning, therefor its not 100% hard-right
No delay/reverb whatsoever, just two guitars

gotcha. I must have just been hearing some subtle differences (I was listening through headphones), but tits Ok I have an ear infucktion. I have to take a pill every half whore.
This hits hard and sounds killer. I don't think I've been this impressed with a digital demo since I heard a guy on a different forum (another 'kid') in the States by the name of Patrick Lutkens. Believe me, thats a compliment. Great toneage, sharp playing.

Is that Beta Monkey for the drums?
This hits hard and sounds killer. I don't think I've been this impressed with a digital demo since I heard a guy on a different forum (another 'kid') in the States by the name of Patrick Lutkens. Believe me, thats a compliment. Great toneage, sharp playing.

Is that Beta Monkey for the drums?

Thanks dude! Remember what forum it was?

Beta monkey = pre-created dumloops? No no :)