
Dec 7, 2008

im super proud of this one, please do me a favor , check it out and give the guys a "like" ;-)! hope itll make it to the radio somehow.
its catchy, its poppy, its got one of the greatest choruses ive ever worked on. were expecting quiet a few amazon/itunes sales...

btw : i recorded, produced, mixed and mastered this one.

if anyones interested, ill gladly share some production insight!
tons of synths, 8 guitar tracks (octo-tracked?) ;-)

thanks guys!
Sounds good. Superior for drums?

thanks! drums are real, except for kick. snare i took a sample from the drummers kit, and we layered that. toms are all real. i personally dont use superior anymore, if anyhting, ill use evil joe barresi addon, really rocks for room sounds!
Really? Awesome, the snare is tasty. Well the drum sounds very good. Digging the low end and the fatness of this mix. 8 guitars? ¯\(°_o)/¯ How do pan 8 guitars?lol 100/75/50/25 something like this?lol
Really? Awesome, the snare is tasty. Well the drum sounds very good. Digging the low end and the fatness of this mix. 8 guitars? ¯(°_o)/¯ How do pan 8 guitars?lol 100/75/50/25 something like this?lol

haha, well its a matter of organising the chaos properly.
its not 8 tracks of the same guitars though, we had 4 tracks (2L 2R) of rhythms (duesenberg guitars) and a 2nd layer of added notes (i think we had 3rds in octaves here as well) - 4 (2L 80% and 2 R 80%) tracks left and right.
makes a huge wall of sound. also using different guitars (a nice fender telecaster and a very expensive gibson les paul) made a really thick sound.

of course theres a lot more going on inlcuding synths (i had 3 bass synths here, 2 for added harmonies).
all somehow buried inthe whole mix. again its about organising that stuff properly.
I actually cannot believe how good the snare sounds, and it was all you. Instaboner.

thanks man! well there was a looot of post processing on these samples to be honest. its actually not just one sample, but i remember we had 3 different ones... id love to get a snare sound like that without samples, but i guess its impossible (for me...) but i really like the snare here too.
though : the greatest thing about this mix (to me) again is the vocals, haha.
but its nice you guys like the other elements as well ;-)!
Sounds good man, but a bit to much tuning going on for my taste.

thanks buddy!
yeah, this band uses autotune live, so its pretty much planned and he does that stuff live (2nd mic on stage).
over time i have fallen in love with different styles of production, this is more of the extreme side (think pop). what i love about pop now that there are no rules (aesthetically). :devil:
Hahaha, well im not a autotune hater but i don't like it when you can clearly hear the voice is heavlily tuned but if they use it live then i guess
they want to be labeled "i suck at what i do" haha

But no critique to you man :) Keep the good work up!
Snare is really nice, but I'm not really into the mix as a whole...I think there's some synth in there that sounds like theres some strange clipping going the bit crusher in the "Glitch" vst
Snare is really nice, but I'm not really into the mix as a whole...I think there's some synth in there that sounds like theres some strange clipping going the bit crusher in the "Glitch" vst

I hear this as well. It sounds like it's clipping constantly.

Otherwise, well done on the drums!