My big picture thread.

MFJ said:
best thread on UM ever. thanks for linking that one, lizard. i'll be doing this within the next four years when I go to Green Mountain College (departing: 10 days).

Heh, I feel quite honored with your comment. Anyway, keep in mind what you see in the pictures and actually living the life day in and day out is totally different. There is no way for me to express to anyone just what exactly it is like. You might want to hike overnight a couple sections before doing it, since you'll be in the area.

This kind of thing is also relatively cheap to do (if you already have gear that is). Buying food for a month (pop tarts, rice, crackers, salami, fruit bars, trail mix) was not more than $150. Anyone could totally do the whole trail in under $300. I probably spent close to $500 altogether though, including bus tickets and paying my friend to give us a ride to the trail. We gorged too much in town and bought too much beer and wine.
A Trace Of Blood said:
Heh, I feel quite honored with your comment. Anyway, keep in mind what you see in the pictures and actually living the life day in and day out is totally different. There is no way for me to express to anyone just what exactly it is like. You might want to hike overnight a couple sections before doing it, since you'll be in the area.

Yeah, it's a strenuous adventure for sure- I plan on doing a lot of prep for it will all of the adventure recreation programs that my school has. I love to hike now, but I've certainly never done anything of this stature.
wow, that must have been one hell of a journey

A Trace Of Blood said:
i also admire you taste in food! i had one of those as my midnight snack last night.:kickass:
Rice for a month, and I still don't hate it. For the price, Lipton Sides are a hiker's godly dinner. After a full day's hiking I could eat two of those and still be hungry. One night I ate over 2000 calories for dinner and I was still hungry.
MFJ said:
Yeah, it's a strenuous adventure for sure- I plan on doing a lot of prep for it will all of the adventure recreation programs that my school has. I love to hike now, but I've certainly never done anything of this stature.

We should hike together sometime.

But actually, you don't need to prepare for a long hike all that much in the physical sense. During the first week, just take it slowly and your legs will soon become quite powerful. My hiking partner's preparation consisted of drinking lots of wine. :lol: My own preparation consisted of a couple 4 day trips in the two months before I left. Let the trail mold you.
A Trace Of Blood said:
We should hike together sometime.

Absolutely! Perhaps if you feel like taking that trip again... (I don't expect it soon haha)

A Trace of Blood said:
But actually, you don't need to prepare for a long hike all that much in the physical sense. During the first week, just take it slowly and your legs will soon become quite powerful. My hiking partner's preparation consisted of drinking lots of wine. :lol: My own preparation consisted of a couple 4 day trips in the two months before I left. Let the trail mold you.

Sounds good to me. I think I'll need a separate backpack for drugs, though. Maybe a fanny pack will do.