My bracers came w/ pics.


Destroyer of the Universe
Sep 4, 2003
Well my bracers came last fri and I finally got to take some pics. They are super sweet and my own design with help from the guy who made them. His name is Tim by the way and his email is, look for his auctions on ebay (under the same name) for a good deal on custom bracers, tell him andrew sent ya. anyway here are pics of my bracers and with me in them with my AA 2005 tour shirt on. The runes on them are Amon and Amarth on the sides, my initials at the top, and my grandfathers and cousins initials at the bottom with valkyrie tears for abbreviations as they are no longer with us.


Those are rad. How thick is the leather? (What I want to know is if they are fight-grade. I.e. if I thumped you kind of hard, would your wrist shatter...don't ask - it's a Norse thing.)
And Maggot, before you ask, I'd wear them for fighting if they are heavy, or for archery if they're not.
Hmm...good question Tyra...I suppose you could just email that guy Tim. I would personally use those for archery, but hey, if you can fight with them then that would be a plus. hehe I could use a pair of those....since I am not investing in heavier fighting gear until training is done.
<----is a bit of a slacker and doesn't go to fighting practice as often as she should ;)
Awesome leatherwork!! I'll post pics of my Dragonscale chainmail bracers when I finish them.
I have a friend who would love this. A pair of those would go great with the Viking sword he just bought:lol:

I think i will tell him about it so that his Fiance can get mad at him when he spends more money!!:lol:
Tyra said:
Those are rad. How thick is the leather? (What I want to know is if they are fight-grade. I.e. if I thumped you kind of hard, would your wrist shatter...don't ask - it's a Norse thing.)
And Maggot, before you ask, I'd wear them for fighting if they are heavy, or for archery if they're not.

Oh yeah they most defenitely are fight grade. He said they are armor weight and they are. strong like a piece of wood. I could break someones nose with these if i had to. But i'm a peaceful person. When I showed a pic of Johan wearin his to him he said Johan's are garment leather weight. Is that true? Mine are a full 1/4 inch thick. And yes i will wear them when AA comes back to the states and I want to show Johan and get him the rest of the band to sign them. I'll wear them to other concerts too. 1349 and celtic frost is comin up in NYC. probably wear it to that and then maybe kamelot. so wut they both aren't viking. For 54 bucks i'm gonna wear them as much as I can. He said at a ren fair these would run me bout 120 at least. so he gives great deals cause he don't need to make a living on it now. And I BET WHEN JOHAN SEES THAT THEY SAY AMON AMARTH ON IT (IN RUNES!!!) HE'LL THINK THAT'S PRETTY KOOL AND NOT DUMB ONE BIT. right tyra? :D And i know u said don't ask but by thumped do u mean like with a sword right? I know it's a norse thing but maybe i'm interested in learning norse things? :D even if it is an inside joke.
Yeah, like if I whacked you in the arm with some kind of weaponry meant to crush, would you still be able to move your fingers after? If the guy says they're armour weight and he sells them at ren faire, then that's more than likely what I am looking for. There are standards as to what kind of armour you have to use for SCA, ren fair and live steel fighting. I need armour weight for live steel, for sure. Don't want to have my hand lopped off by accident...
hey that worked out great! Congratz man :D
And for Maggot9: Those things are for 1: Concerts like AA, 2: Fighting/Arching, 3: just great to have! i mean i wish i had such nice bracers 2 :D im thinking of making a design to send to that guy
Dude, those are sweet. Dunno if I woulda put the pentacle on the one hammer, since there are Asatru out there that get a little annoyed when they think someone is doing the "norse-wicca" thing, so you might catch a little flack on that. Just a heads-up. But bottom line is as long as you're happy with them, don't be too concerned with what others think.
we took designs off of different pics of hammer pendants and widdled it down to that one and the other one. Didn't think about controversy with it untill u meantioned it. But i ignore that fact that's it's on it, it's just there for looks. When i first saw the pic i thought it was out of place too but then thought it looked kool. if anyone gives me shit for it i'll explain that it wasn't my idea it just came with the hammer pics. other then that lil smidge these are full on norse bracers.
Heh. That works. I wouldn't even apologize. As long as you're happy, doesn't matter what other's think. To be honest, I almost bought that particular hammer pendant. I had been wearing a pentacle for years, and had met some people in a local kindred here, and started learning about Asatru. I got to the point where I was wanting to get a hammer pendant, and saw that one with the pentacle on it. To me it seemed like a logical transition from a pent to a hammer. When I mentioned it to one of the members of the kindred, she mentioned that I may catch flack from other Asatru for it. Personally, I wasn't too concerned, cause hey, I'm not ashamed of where I came from, and am not going to apologize for it. I ended up finding a nice silver hammer with knotwork on it, and got that instead. (the pentacle one was pewter, and I preferred silver)
Wear those bracers proudly.
Good for you, dude...and I was just kidding b t w!
Putting symbols on you just gives you the opportunity to teach people what it's all about when they make comments or ask. If they still don't get it, then it ain't your fault they're not paying attention, anyhow.

I think they're cool bracers. Now dude has to practise frowning and looking very fierce whilst wearing them.
i waiting to get in a picture with ur brother while wearin them and then i'll show the fierceness. i think i look pretty fierce in that pic and have a decent frown on. but ur right i could do better.
Anyone that is spoinling for a fight...The other shire... Generally some celt of some kind, with a pirate and a few Norse mixed into the batch. I ended up not fighting on that particular weekend mentioned above, but it is a standing gig. There are recreation battles just about every weekend this time of year. In the SCA, our neck of the woods belong to the kingdom of An Tir, and there you use rattan weapons (ouch!) or modified arrows etc. We've recently joined another group that practises live steel, which is also interesting, especially for an archaeologist...