The F'ing Bracers Thread!!!

DemonsAndLies666 said:
this was a realy weak and not well thought out nor funny come-back.

yeah it was weak but w/e the point is there's no reason for us to feud like this. We're on the AA Forum, were both huge AA fans, we're all suppose to be brothers in arms and enjoy talkin bout our favorite band..

so can't we all just get along? (raise ur steins if u agree with me :kickass:)
DemonsAndLies666 said:
Your mom is so nasty her pussy is a challange on fear factor!!!!

fine be the immature one, bringin mothers into this. AND I OBVIOUSLY DID NOT SAY WUT U QUOTED ME ON, seriously this is gettin old. but i guess i'll just play along. haha very funny. :)
I was curious if anyone knew where to get bracers that were similar to or following any design of norse influence as Johan's. They are by far the best bracers i have seen in the metal world, for i do not care for spikes and anything of the sort. If anyone could point me in a direction i would greatly appreciate it!!!

you know seriously, i never really would have thought anyone would have done a post about it!

but i read through it, and checked to see if i could find the other(and couldn't find it), but was wondering if anyone else had any input.... it's not that i'm looking for those specific ones, just some norse influenced ones or a person/group who makes custom ones....