
Crunchy and full of fibre! Nothing says suck like 3 weeks of sailing while constipated!

LOL. Reminds me of something I was thinking about once. Obviously being stuck on a longship for days or weeks at a time, how did the vikings handle the process of "relieving" themselves? I mean, did they perhaps have a bucket, or maybe just set down their oar, drop trou, and hang their ass over the side and take care of business? Or maybe go back to the stern instead? Was there a designated spot on the ship for that? Obviously there wouldn't have been much modesty in regards to such things back then, but it makes me wonder just what the social norm was for the Norsemen. I think what got me thinking was when I was reading Eaters of The Dead, and Ibn was narrating how the Northmen would just relieve themselves pretty much where ever they happen to be. Granted a lot of the book was a fictionalized merging of Fahdlan's travels and Beowulf, but it still makes you wonder, since you've seen recreations of longhouses, but you never see an outhouse or a latrine area inside the longhouse, and obviously they have to go somewhere. So from a social standpoint, how did they handle that bodily function? (Yeah, I was an Anthropology major at one time, so I tend to think about weird things like that.) Anyone ever read anything on the subject? Tyra?
I'm pretty sure they did just that, hang their ass over the side. That's what I've always done, anyway, the only boat my family had with a bathroom never actually sailed. As for latrine facilities, I'm fairly sure they had outhouses, but I can't find anything authoritative on the matter, just some offhand mentions concerning likely locations for burying a hoard.
Well as my first post on these forums I would like to say that my friend had introduced me to this band a month ago or so. I have to say.... no other bands come close to anything I have heard, in comparison to Amon Amarth. The lyrics and the music that come together in the songs that are played by these people are.. in the least, epic.
The infamous "they" tells me that you should never get a tattoo of a band on your body, and that would be true until you hear real music, and thats from Amon Amarth.

Long live this sound, seriously.