My Chicago Show Review


Feb 9, 2005
Like many others, I ventured to the HOB on Saturday night to catch Anthrax (with my free ticket in hand) so I could see for myself what this reunion was all about.

I have to admit, leading up to the show I was feeling uneasy, because like Scott Ian I am also...“concerned about the civilian population, the potential DRAFT, and the right to dissent from having our government force us to abrogate our personal rights and alter the condition of our mind or bodies.” Just like Scott, I kept asking myself “Do citizens of the United States have sovereignty over their own bodies?” The Bioshield Act says no! I thought.

And luckily, just like Charlie, I also like to look over the Declaration Of Independence in my free time, so between bands, I brushed up on where this nation's founders stood on such ideas.

That being said, the show was painfully uninspired...the crowd was great, they kicked ass as always, but the band...meh.

The positives: Frank Bello. The walls of the building could be coming down and he would still put on an amazing show. He is the best at what he does. He never lets up.

The show also sounded great from a purely technical point of view. Their sound engineer, whoever he or she may be, did a great job.

Song selection: pretty good. Deathrider was terrible though. That is a Neil Turbin song that has been kicked in the ass by John Bush, Joey should stay away from it like he has the year 2005.

The Negatives: Well...I am not going to all-out bash him because he seems like a great guy, but Belladonna just does not have "it". Watching him last night just reminded me of all the reasons I thought and Anthrax said (many times) that they moved on. Not long ago, I watched John Bush kick everyone's ass at the Dimebag Memorial show and in just a couple of months I stood there shaking my head in disbelief that this is happening.

Also, Dan Spitz seems like an arrogant fool up their. He was strutting around like he thought he was the coolest fucker on the planet and he isn't. He digs himself WAY more than anybody else does. No energy at all. Did play alright? The solos were almost note for note, but without ANY feeling, soul, and the aforementioned energy. Just flacid.

As for Scott and Charlie, they seemed to be going through the motions...yeah Scott did his little stomps and jumps, but it seemed like that was solely for the photographers. Even the timing seemed a little off, which I have never heard from these guys in the past 12 or so years.

And if I can knit pick a little more, I think its lame that they had the same wardrobe idea that they've been using for the past two years but now with the Metallic"A". C'mon think of something new and different.

I will be honest, I went thinking that I would totally hate it and left just being bored and apathetic. Which is even worse.
johnnieCzech said:
Yeah, pretty much. Except of the three Bush haters and Joey nuts kissers on this board.
Yes, but their opinions don't matter, because their lack of taste dictates that they know nothing.
If any of you guys own a Belladonna era CD then you have no right to criticize. If you are such hardcore Bush supporters then go listen to your Bush era CDs and watch MOMD dvd. If Bush is gone then that sucks. If you don't like Joey then why do you keep coming back? Obviously the five guys touring right now don't give three shits about what you think.

I love John Bush Anthrax. But, I got into Anthrax in 1986 when Joey was their singer and loved it. So if it's any Anthrax let me hear it. John would be sorely missed if he is gone. But no one but you so-called know-it-all mothers have said he has left the band. Until we hear a solid answer then who fucking cares? Really? Anthrax was Anthrax before Bush and the were Anthrax before Joey too!
just so you know, I own ALL Belladonna albums, all originals, all purchased.
I just think they should have move fucking FORWARD. Not hundred steps back, just like they did.
Johnnie that's a good point, I would agree with you. But could this possibly just be a reunion show? Just maybe? I'm up to see it. I haven't seen that line up since 1987. I would definitely miss Bush if he were to leave. But, I'll take what I can get right now. I just had to learn to accept it. At least it's not Turbin!
I am sorry but after reading Saviourself's review...It was almost a feeling of deja vu. His review was spot on, and his comment's about Spitz could not have been more true. The set was uninspired and Joey didn't sound as good as everyone claims he did. Definitely moving backwards and not forward with this reunion.
respect your point of view but danny has never showed too much enthusiasm on stage,i used to love watching nfv and see him shredding away making it look so effortless,i will make my judgement very soon.
well, I think it was tough to play the initial shows(minus detroit) in what is proclaimed to be their best city for gigs. Obviously, they would be rusty as they have only been rehearsing for a few days prior to these gigs. By the time they are doing the fest gigs, they will be more ensynched.

that said, it was awesome seeing the guys back together.

it was a tough situation though. rusty and in a town where you could tell they were in a partying type mood as joey kept looking towards his buddies and with big name celebrities and what not.

It is a proven fact that not everyone is EVER going to be happy yet we will have to put up with your bitching every day. Heck, you know what I felt when I heard the news that Joey was gone. That said, I knew of how good John was from armored saint and I gave him a chance. I always thought of this lineup though.

I think it is better if they wait a bit before taping live footage.
I wish I could have gone to the show, but I'm broke ass hell... GODDAMMITT!

On a side note, am I the only one here that feels the urgent need to take a shit every time I have to read some re-hashed "John's better, no Joey's better" thread?
Sgt-D said:
On a side note, am I the only one here that feels the urgent need to take a shit every time I have to read some re-hashed "John's better, no Joey's better" thread?

No I was sick of those threads b4 the reunion was announced.