My Comment On This Surprising Closing Of Opeth Off-Topic


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site

I'm quite surprised that this "community" has been taken away. I've been here basically since UM started - well over 2 years. As obvious by the post count and activity in both the Opeth forum and off-topic section, it was a very popular place. I have yet to see if there is a post as to the reason why this has happened, but I honestly can't come to a reasonable conclusion as to why it had to be done.

Oh well - things change.
And now that I've read the "official" word from Mark/, I still think the decision is a bad one.

Sure, the Opeth off-topic was a mish-mosh, but now, it's just included with the entire UM pile of crap chat. At least we had created a community. Some people came and went, but the base of us have been around for years. I found it difficult enough to wade through the off-topic threads to find one of interest. But compared to now, it was fun. I've browsed over to the chat forum, and really have no interest in being there, because the community instantly became UM city.

Call me a whiner, or tell me to get over it - whatever. It was a bad move. Now all we can do on the Opeth forum is talk about the same 7 albums and various concerts. That type of talk can only go so far. Sure - excitement will build before their next release, and we'll all post our feelings, but then it will be "old news".

To : sorry you decided to do this. Maybe you read threads on a bad day and read flame wars and spam. But it was fun. Only once was it not so fun - the "Jannet" era. Other than that, I think it's been fun, and a place for people who like Opeth to get together and chat. Now, we must chat with everybody in UM. Too much to wade through now.

To Mark: I just felt as a "old-timer" I should say how I feel.
I was one of the 'second' batch of the forum I suppose you could say, missing out on the first group by a couple of months back in 2001.

I and many others I know basically left the forum due to the sense of humour that permeated the place. Basically nerd humour, which I suppose is great for some people but hardly compelling reading to the majority.

Hopefully this will make the Opeth forum a bit more specific and interesting for people who don't particularly find nonsense and the like overly funny.

Welcome back sanity. Onwards...
I agree. This WAS my internet home. I loved the people that WERE here. I find it weird that it took this damn long really. The spam now wasnt any different than it ever was. Bad move so I shall be moving as well. Fun while it lasted. Like Metalman said, I'll check back in a year or two when Opeth decides to do another album.

Goodbye Opeth.
When all the regulars slowly dissapeared, Jason, Scott, Ben, Keegan, Me, Missy, Oyo, Joe, etc etc etc...This place became dull and even idiotic. The few regulars that have stuck around, dont say much at all, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 individuals. Chat/Off topic was only as good as the community it held. In the last few months it had become less and less of a community, and more and more of stomping ground for random new users that post 3 or 4 times and never return, stupid fake accounts, and boring spam. IMO it was only a matter of time before it got shut down. *shrugs* In a way its fitting because, chat/off topic had ceased to be the same place it was a year and a half ago, and became something totally different...That place dies long before it was officially shutdown.
requiem said:
Hopefully this will make the Opeth forum a bit more specific and interesting for people who don't particularly find nonsense and the like overly funny.

Welcome back sanity. Onwards...
I see you're still an elitist asshole. I don't know how you've always been oblivious to the intelligent political debates that were/are still alive and well.

metalmancpa said:
At least we had created a community. Some people came and went, but the base of us have been around for years.
I've wondered whether or the band were cognizant of this. Way back in the day, Mikael emailed me, acknowledging and thanking me for being one of the regulars, so to speak, but do they spend enough time browsing to know that the community is still there, even if buried under a bit more crap?
I honestly don't see the difference with having the forum on a different category under UM... I don't know what you people are whining about. had to pay to maintain those 2 forums and if they wish to cut back on the one that has no relevance to Opeth whatsoever, then its their choice.
Thorns of Sorrow said:
When all the regulars slowly dissapeared, Jason, Scott, Ben, Keegan, Me, Missy, Oyo, Joe, etc etc etc...This place became dull and even idiotic. The few regulars that have stuck around, dont say much at all, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 individuals. Chat/Off topic was only as good as the community it held. In the last few months it had become less and less of a community, and more and more of stomping ground for random new users that post 3 or 4 times and never return, stupid fake accounts, and boring spam. IMO it was only a matter of time before it got shut down. *shrugs* In a way its fitting because, chat/off topic had ceased to be the same place it was a year and a half ago, and became something totally different...That place dies long before it was officially shutdown.

That's only partly true. New regulars showed up, such as me, and others, and you guys didn't like the change, or us. Meh. The entire time I've been here it's really not been that bad, although lately it's gotten very spammy.
I mentioned this on another thread, but here's my take on those people who think us whiners should shut-up:

The community that has been here for a couple of years is something only those who were part of it saw. It's something you can't really explain, but us who understand the real community feel will understand. The people who say just shut-up and grow-up, etc. were never really a part of the community, but considered this just another internet forum. Actually, it was those people who were always attacking us, telling us it was just an internet forum.

Whether this was inevitable or not, I'll say this - us "old-timers" here have been warning about this coming. All the spamming and crap that had already created a mess were the ultimate reason why the off-topic forum is now gone. Over the past year+, the influx of newbies and their attitudes have pushed the forum down, and causing this to happen.'s real mistake is actaully saying only Opeth conversation can happen here. Yeah, that should make this place an interesting place.
Thorns of Sorrow said:
When all the regulars slowly dissapeared, Jason, Scott, Ben, Keegan, Me, Missy, Oyo, Joe, etc etc etc...This place became dull and even idiotic. The few regulars that have stuck around, dont say much at all, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 individuals. Chat/Off topic was only as good as the community it held. In the last few months it had become less and less of a community, and more and more of stomping ground for random new users that post 3 or 4 times and never return, stupid fake accounts, and boring spam. IMO it was only a matter of time before it got shut down. *shrugs* In a way its fitting because, chat/off topic had ceased to be the same place it was a year and a half ago, and became something totally different...That place dies long before it was officially shutdown.
i completely agree...

when i started browsing through the opeth board (probably about 6 months before i joined), this forum was great...other than i few individuals *cough*jannet*cough* everyone here was cool. They were genuine metalheads and were respectable and mature. When certain people joined such as SD and pancakes (can't think of any others off the top of my head) this forum went down the toilet. SD was just a complete fuckin lsoer that didn't have anything better to do than spam here and seduce fat girls over the internet and pancakes was just one of the nerds that started stupid phrases like "teh win" or "pwnnd" or stupid shit liek that, which doesn't have a place here. Don't mean to offend you guys (well maybe not you SD, you're a twat) but that's what i think.

when people like thorns, trapped, metalman, misanthrope etc. stopped being the regulars, this forum became fuckin stupid. it's about time this place got shut down...
It's about time....I was actually just wondering the other day why Opeth still has the Chat-Off Topic forum when no other band does.
What's the difference between wading through a bunch of crap on the Chat-Off Topic forum and wading through a bunch of crap on the Chat forum...nothing really...just a few extra clicks....
and here everyone wonders why the rest of this community thinks the Opeth fans are elitist...
Triste said:
It's about time....I was actually just wondering the other day why Opeth still has the Chat-Off Topic forum when no other band does.
What's the difference between wading through a bunch of crap on the Chat-Off Topic forum and wading through a bunch of crap on the Chat forum...nothing really...just a few extra clicks....
and here everyone wonders why the rest of this community thinks the Opeth fans are elitist...
Exponentrially more crap - which means a post will be on page two in an hour. It was bad enough in the Opeth off-topic.

And back to the "elitist" tag - there's a difference between being an elitist (someone who snubs their nose at others for example) and someone who "felt" something a bit special about a place where others didn't. If that's what you call an elitist, then make me one. I saw nothing wrong about finding a certain internet forum a special place. It was here for me when I needed it, and so were those "special" people. Now that it's thrust into a much larger pit, all of that will be lost in the muck.

Again - I was over it one second after I found out the change happened (albiet abruptly), but I still wanted to voice my disappointment which I have. Now I'll decide if I want to talk about nothing but Opeth, or get mixed up in a normally totally spam filled forum (even moreso than the off-topic forum was), or fade away like others have done. My time like the rest of you is precious, for I have only so many minutes to give. It's just a shame that one of those things I liked to spend time at is gone - but I especially miss those "regulars" I speak of. I'll either have to wade through more stuff to find them, or let it all go.
Not even taking into account the fact that it was a fucking stupid move because it alienates the people who enjoyed the community, it was a stupid fucking move because there were always new people coming on, discovering the band, and in turn getting more people into the band thanks to the Chat/Off Topic section. All around it's a shit idea to have closed it. I don't blame Mark, he's just doing what the band pays him for. I blame the band and for making a horrible choice and probably making themselves look really bad in the eyes of many longtime fans.
The Opeth chat really has slowed considerably since I've joined. We had the song survivor for a while, and that was great. It's over with, and all of the threads are pretty repetitive now. I suppose you guys wouldn't care much about what I'm saying, but this forum can still be fun. I don't think it should be limited to discussions about albums and gigs. Most of the stuff here is relevant to the band in some way. I could do without a "what does opeth mean?" thread every two days, though.