My Compostion + Singing


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
I want to know what you all think about a thing I've made.
That's actually my first reccording and my first attempt to singing.
Reccording and singing are kinda big words... The music is all made by me with my keybaords... But actually it's reccorded with a computer mic, placed in front of my amp.

My singing was first a joke, just to fulfish the song, but actually i think I like it. (There's no lyrics, and that's even not a language...)
There's some things that are out of tempo but well... I had like 15 instrument and my computer can't run that... so I didn't spend too much time on correcting those mistake (Cause I actually need to send the song on an other computer and to load it on my Mp3 Player each time I modify something because... because the computers sucks... well lol)
It's pretty Finntroll-like btw, but I first thought, while listening to it, that it was more like Gnome Metal than Troll Metal :lol:

Ok, so here's the link:

(Oh btw, there's no Guitar/Bass/Drum yet... cause I don't play that :p)
(You'll be able to listen to it in the window, or wait and click on Download)

Thank you all those who will spend some time for that :)

Edit: You can be harsh if you want ^^

Edit 2: It might be interesting to say that I made this song in like... what... 3 hour ?
HAHA, wow. sounds like a twisted evil cartoon theme song. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear. I actually started dancing half way through it.
Söy;5883800 said:
it's not ok, i promise
Well... So I suppose it's ok :lol:

HAHA, wow. sounds like a twisted evil cartoon theme song. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear. I actually started dancing half way through it.
Good! Actually there's nothing precise I want to hear, if you appreciate that, that's good for me ;)

The instrumental is good but the vocals suck.
Yeah, I think it's a matter of taste, maybe ? I think this kind of vocals fits well with the... twsited, crazy mind of the song.

i would like to record some guitar track over that.
Well, why not ? Actually there's Korinne, Vergessene_Nacht_88, that will make a vocal track.

About what ?

And hey, thanks for the comments!
I want to know what you all think about a thing I've made.
That's actually my first reccording and my first attempt to singing.
Reccording and singing are kinda big words... The music is all made by me with my keybaords... But actually it's reccorded with a computer mic, placed in front of my amp.

My singing was first a joke, just to fulfish the song, but actually i think I like it. (There's no lyrics, and that's even not a language...)
There's some things that are out of tempo but well... I had like 15 instrument and my computer can't run that... so I didn't spend too much time on correcting those mistake (Cause I actually need to send the song on an other computer and to load it on my Mp3 Player each time I modify something because... because the computers sucks... well lol)
It's pretty Finntroll-like btw, but I first thought, while listening to it, that it was more like Gnome Metal than Troll Metal :lol:

Ok, so here's the link:

(Oh btw, there's no Guitar/Bass/Drum yet... cause I don't play that :p)
(You'll be able to listen to it in the window, or wait and click on Download)

Thank you all those who will spend some time for that :)

Edit: You can be harsh if you want ^^

Edit 2: It might be interesting to say that I made this song in like... what... 3 hour ?

your recording skills were really good a half year ago..
w00t they're increasing ;)
you might improve at the vocals.... maybe let someone teach you how to sing/growl properly... just for my reference... didnt your mouth/throat dry out a bit or hurt? you can have really nice vocals in my opinion and they actually quite fit the song.. but its a "§(!)"(($)$((! technique you're using... :D
overall... 6,5/10

@conti: YOU RULE! lol whats funny.. look at the gif in your sig so they fit the groove of the song.. looks fucking hilarious :lol: