my danish friend is going to join our forum

it would have helped if maybe it were headless?

i got it! it would've been faxable if you baked the fuck out of it in the ovenstove first (because that's what you do best), decapitated, and smooshed, and then faxed?

i don't know what i'm talking about actually. but the mermaid is great as is! (sitting in my cryptid collection.)
coelacanth_M said:
(because that's what you do best)

How do i change my profile ?

I want some evil bad-ass metal pic, othervise I'll fell like the chubby kid nobody likes....
yeah I know :Smug:

but from the list of available languages I figured German was the closest thing to Danish.

I got "which it applied noget"
Fine, don't tell us. I can always ask my half-Danish, half-Quebecer, half-Greek lawyer friend who gets really loud and obnoxious when he's drunk and calls everybody faggot.