My Death Metal Band Needs A Name!!!

I always thought it was the band's job to come up with a name. If a band lacks the imagination to come up with a single word or phrase that expresses what they're about, I don't have much hope for them.
polarity said:
I always thought it was the band's job to come up with a name. If a band lacks the imagination to come up with a single word or phrase that expresses what they're about, I don't have much hope for them.

Well, yeah, if you can't even think of a good band name, God only knows what your lyrics'll be like. It's a fun thing to do though, coming up with band names. I've been in a hundred "bands" that were never anything more than a logo on the back of an envelope.
This name isn't for you, but me and 2 of my buddies are making a parody band for shits and'll be similar to Anal Cunt only with WAAAYY longer songs to make it even worse. And we'll be like glen and have high vocals and low vocals at the same time. The name we are working with at the moment is "Hell Fire From the Great Underlord Satans Arse."

We'll make fun of death metal, black metal, gore grind, and Ted Nugent. Of course I like all mentioned styles of music(well, I don't really like Ted N.)...but it shall be great.
polarity said:
I always thought it was the band's job to come up with a name. If a band lacks the imagination to come up with a single word or phrase that expresses what they're about, I don't have much hope for them.
your an idiot, were not poetic losers, our lyrics are jsut for shits and giggles, we dont try to incorporate bullshit into are music, were just some guys playing music
we dont need some deep meaning that combines all our feelings into a band name, we jsut want something that sounds cool
i dont think in flames expresses that they like to light things on fire or that soilwork likes to go play in the mud
david411 said:
your an idiot, were not poetic losers, our lyrics are jsut for shits and giggles, we dont try to incorporate bullshit into are music, were just some guys playing music
we dont need some deep meaning that combines all our feelings into a band name, we jsut want something that sounds cool
i dont think in flames expresses that they like to light things on fire or that soilwork likes to go play in the mud

Get the fuck out of metal and go form a cock rock band or something. The sort of brainless idiocy that you display in abundance is exactly what metal doesn't need.
Davd911 your an idiot. Soilwork expresses all the hardwork it takes to come up from the bottom. Or that's atleast how I remember it. If you want to name your band after something that will represent you. Then go ahead and name your band "Postwasters". Run along and go listen to fountains of wayne.
Calm down everyone... Yes I do think David is a bit of an idiot with his "meaningless music attitude" but lets not slander his name hahaha (that was meant to be a pun). Yeah, think of your own name if you dont care what it is, two words that mean nothing would be good for you... ignorant retch for instance.