My Dying Bride and Anathema


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Tell me what your favorite record from these two bands are. I've just been in more a depressive music type mood, or at least non-black metal. I've heard a lot from each band.

Turn Loose the Swans was good, and I even liked some songs from 34% Complete and Light at the End of the World. I did not like Angel and the Dark River and only a song or two from Like Gods of the Sun. Never ventured any further.

I remember almost nothing from early ANathema, and very little from Silent Enigma. I did not like Eternity and only a few songs from Alternative 4, and did not like Judgment.

Refresh the memory. Looking to check out classic acts that got ignored by me. And man, what's up with these digi re-releases w/ bonus tracks. Ugh.

I used to like Turn Loose the Swans a lot, but if I listened to it now I'd probably gouge my eyes out over such whiny goth poetry trite, so I'll probably vote for 34.788%... Complete.

I haven't really listened to a lot of Anathema. Three albums, really, and two were from their later popmusik stage.
My Dying Bride - As the Flower Withers...

I've never heard Anthema... I've heard bad things..
Early Anathema is the best from either band. You can get the Serenades album with the Crestfallen EP as a bonus, so do that. I like some of the post-Silent Enigma stuff, but none of it beats the early stuff (although vastly different, obviously).

I've heard quite a few MDB albums and have only ever liked the odd track here and there. Overrated band IMO.
Not in my top 20, but essential nonetheless. I consider Anathema's music to be really introspective, tunes that you could turn to in a crisis and find sympathy. , They're the reason why I'm listening to Radiohead at the moment. I figured hell, if the boys from Anathema look up to these blokes, they must be damn good.
Well, if you consider that "Lovelorn Rhapsody" is one of the finest, most melancholic doom songs ever written, that inherently puts Serenades up there at the top of the list somewhere.

Considering how much I like Serenades, it's weird that I've had difficulty getting into Pentecost III or even Silent Enigma.

I do like Alternative 4 too. It has that rockin' vibe. Eternity is cool.

But my god, then they dipped into total Radiohead plagarism and started covering "Paranoid Android" in their live shows....and that was just too much Thom Yorke worship for me.

My Dying Bride -- it's funny but the album I like the most is quite recent: "Songs of Darkness, Words of Light". Songs like Catherine Blake or The Blue Lotus are just fantastic to these ears.
i hated judgement other than like 2 songs.

regarding MDG, funny thing is i think it was 34% complete that i really liked. didnt like as the flower withers.
Well, there is one older MDB album that sounded good but I can't recall which. Other than that, "For My Fallen Angel" is great while the rest of Like Gods of the Sun was pretty lame.

Anathema, I've always hated. End of story.