My fellow Hate Pitters


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
you may call me a fag or something but I think we crossed the line with Mark. I mean c'mon he is doing a lot of work to this place and I really like this forum(would like it a lot more with an At the Gate forum of course) and we attacked him directly. I never read of the reason why the hate pit was closed and I never saw that child porn posted by kush...whatever it's spelled.
I never got racist comments,never attacked someone because of their race and I just bitched about how bad show was buffy and how lame fast food restaurants are.
I would like a hate pit bac,I really do, but dill the devil,mark and all the other operators are doing their job without any pay and they are keeping this place alive.
I don't know about you but I think that it was unfair to take out the hate pit like that but I also think that attacking Mark directly wasn't the best thing to do.

and it's K-U-S-H-T-A-I-I-D-A-N. And you didn't see the child porn, because it didn't exsist.

But I fully agree with you. If mark took away the opeth forum, I'd be mightily pissed off too, but it's his site, and he can do whatever he likes. I'll feel free to suggest ideas etc. And mark is already a very friendly and leniant op, so I'm not gonna complain.
Mark isn't likely to take away the Opeth forum, because that fourm is still serving it's original purpose... to be a place of meeting and discussion for Opeth fans. The Hate Pit became out of control and outlived it's purpose. So it went.
Thanks Manuelgv and Kushantaiidan - it's good to know that some people in the UM community do still appreciate the work that Mark, myself, godisanatheist, winter-frost and everyone else involved in the site are doing.
Well, the Opeth forum has undergone some big changes in the past, but it has always been for the better. A lot of off topic threads appeared in the forum, due to it's size, and diverse populace. Therefor the off topic forum was created. I disagreed at first,a nd whinged a bit, but it turned out to be the best thing that happened to the forum. So I now know not to complain. And not only do some people appreciate all the work. I'd say 99% of the people appreciate it.
That's good to know. I know Mark is trying constantly to make Ultimate Metal the best, biggest and most comprehensive online metal community there is, and the Hate Pit had evolved into something that he (and most of the rest of the staff) no longer wanted associated with UM. One bad apple spoils the barrel, as they say, and when people saw the Hate Pit as it was before the closure, they lost a lot of respect for the community as a whole.
I think it was a great place.
maybe it was all about insulting people but look at what happened
we got together and sticked together to get it back
I have seen that in other rooms everyone's friends with each other already and it's hard to join
but in the hate pit if you said something good then other people respected you and you were in
that was the beauty of it
It's definately not hard to join into another forum. The opeth forum is the friendliest forum I have ever seen. Everyone is accepted and welcomed into the forum. And I assume it's the same with the other forums. Join in in a few debates, tell us what music you like, recommend some of your own, and you'll be part of any forum you venture into automatically.
manuel - I didn't see any personal digs to the moderators, but I do agree that we should be thankful for what we have. We can live without the hate pit and we'll move on. It was fun while it lasted.

By the way, I don't know how people can forget the pictures though. None of you obviously have children - you can't control these damn kids running around the house! :) Look, my computer is a laptop and I have it set out on a coffee table. I also have a cable modem so my download times are zilch...

So when I go into the hate pit, I expect text messages, not necessarily images that Kushantaiidan posted. If my child is sitting next to me watching tv, it is difficult for them not to notice these images suddenly 'pop up' out the corner of their eye. It was disgusting.

I don't care how long you have been on this forum Kush - you went beyond decency. I'm against censorship, but as a parent, I do want to know where I'm going on the web. You 'inadvertently' turned the Hate Pit into something of a very weird adult nature.

I would appreciate the moderators understanding my perspective on this. I will agree that I added to the nonsense of the hate pit, but the images were 'below the belt' - moreso than the racist slurs. And since I myself am one of 'color', I think racism is hilarious. It's the only way to deal with it as an adult - laugh and join in. Just as fat people laugh at fat jokes, and just as women laugh at misoginy.

Hate Pitters - it was brilliant - the best, but let's move on. C ya!
Self contradicting hypocryte. I think that's what they call you.

Are you against censorship or for it? You sit your child on your lap, and say, "so son, lets see what racial slurs and bad language and generally destructive behavior we can find on the hate pit."

If you can't control what your kids see, it's not my problem. If you can't surf the net without your kids watching, you shouldn't have been in the HATE PIT anyway. Once again, I stress that it was called the HATE PIT.
"Adults" like you are supposed to show a little restraint, those pictures are in bad taste and I don't care how many of your buddies think they are funny, most people find them disgusting and insulting, those pictures had nothing to do with the Hate Pit, why do you think so many people told you to take them off, and then if it is the Hate Pit, why did you, people generally now when things are wrong, joking around with your friends and calling eachother idiots isn't wrong, but putting pictures on a BB that has nothing to do with them, and knowing that a lot of poeple would not in their intire lives want to see pictures like that, well that is wrong, next time use some discretion when spreading your filfth.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

I will when you do.

Start making sense and we would get somewhere, I use discretion everyday, I don't act like I did in the Hate Pit in the other forums, it was a place to let off steam, all you did was bring kiddie porn now that is not using discretion, try to grow up and think about the things you do and how they might affect others,
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
You sit your child on your lap, and say, "so son, lets see what racial slurs and bad language and generally destructive behavior we can find on the hate pit."

Kush - that is a little extreme. You are digging the hole even further. I do not surf adult sites. I would think that anyone would agree that chat room forums mostly contain text messaging such as this. Therefore it is fairly safe for a two year old that cannot read.

If you can't control what your kids see, it's not my problem. If you can't surf the net without your kids watching, you shouldn't have been in the HATE PIT anyway. Once again, I stress that it was called the HATE PIT.

Who would have thought that the Hate Pit would have contained the imagery you posted?

Anyways, this all falls on deaf ears. I'm just saying that you were quick to critisize the hate pit even though you frequented the place and contributed in your own weird ways.

AjDeath - let it go man. Distrubed people always defend their actions out of guilt. This guy is just responding because he's been caught and branded.
Personally, I'd like to see the entire subject dropped, now.
The Hate Pit is gone and most of you seem to have accepted that it isn't coming back. Great.
Mark and the rest of us on the UM Staff have been branded 'despots' 'impertinent', and these words have been retracted and apologised for. Lovely.
The general consensus is that Kush's Hentai posts were inappropriate. Agreed. Now forget it and let's get on with our lives.
Now the GMD forum is filled with Hate Pit related posts. Not so good from my point of view - I moderate it. I'll wait until the fuss dies down, then delete the threads when they've been fairly inactive for a while. Fair enough?
Oh, and in case anyone still cares - I posted an interview with Tiamat today in between being branded a despot and trying to finish English Literature A-Level coursework. Thought I'd remind people there is a music forum out there somewhere.
Now wait just a minute. Now we aren't even allowed to mention the hate pit.

I've never sent a stroppy message to any UM staff, I've never posted an abusive post about it's disappearance and I respect the decisions of the guy who owns and runs the site to restructure the forums and remove one that he didn't want anymore.


But there's NO way that I'm going to just shut up and not mention the hate pit ever again. It's part of UM folklore and that's quite an impressive thing about UM itself. It has a character.

The overwhelming reaction to its disappearance must be an indication of how important it was to people. Just as someone has said earlier, ironically it really brought people together and I don't feel a tiny bit of resentment against people who really had a dig at me. That's why I was there!! In the end it was a really close community of people.

I'm not going to shut up and not mention it! People's discussions all over the UM boards are not directly music related. I'm sure you aren't going to tell them to shut up!! I contribute a lot to music discussions as it is and will continue to do so. That has never been a problem.

The Pit was a great experience for a lot of people. People miss it now and will do for a while. As long as it's relevant to THE PEOPLE who post at UM I think that its unnecessary to try to censor people's discussion on it.
ok so i'm the bad guy now, huh?
maybe i should make a few points clear:

1. UM staff is doing a great work and i like the whole place a lot, otherwise i wouldnt spend so much time here.

2. i'll defend what i said. the actions taken were despotic (look it up if you dont know what it EXACTLY means) and impertinent towards the community UM always praises.

3. i'm not attacking anyone personally. i was trying to discuss the issue in a serious polite way how i feel about it, and, how i think, many others feel about it.

4. i dont argue about the hate pit itself, but about the stuff associated with the closure of the hate pit.

PS: i dont remember any child porn stuff either - and i would! i found the dead babies jokes disgusting enough.

PPS: great signature veil ;)