My first Guitar


Oct 28, 2001
Hey. How ya doin. I'm excited. I'm getting my first ever guitar tomorrow. Yippee. It's a B.C. Rich Custom. I hope I am making a good choice by selecting this one. It's either this one, or some other kind(Can't remember the make of it?) but the guy said it had a 70's rock sound to it.
Just so this isn't just about me. Just for the hell of it, I would like to know what guitars you Opethians use. hehe
I've got a purple Ibanez RG570 which I tune to Bb and A...
Soon I will get an Ibanez RG4760 7-String so I could be able to use the high string and do clean riffs live...
I've also got cherry red Ovation Celebrity acoustic... so dark sounding!
...and a Cordoba C40 classical...
I love my axes too!! They unlock the path to my music and for that I take great care of them...
The way I see some of my friends treat their axes makes me wonder if I can apply for adoption...

Drums, bass, keyboards, socks, man it's all good!!
Ibanez Jem 777VBK (picture somewhere in the "picture" thread)
Maton steel string
another steel string (fairly cheap one this time)
a really shitty nylon string
a homemade guitar (looks pretty cool, explorer shape, painted professionally with car paint :lol: )
and another cheapo electric that is in pieces
"I just noticed what Nightflier's avatar is! Weird, I never could tell what it was, never really cared I guess...? That's cool."

So ya figured it out eh? :D
B.C. Rich shouldnt be used as a beginners guitar dude. Its kinda hard to tune and will always slip out of the correct note, so its frusterating for a beginner to always re-tune the damn thing heh. Just keep into mind that its not you: its the guitar haha. But then again any kind of guitar is good if you PRACTICE. I practice at least 2 hours a day. Good luck. :)
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Ibanez Jem 777VBK (picture somewhere in the "picture" thread)

Beautiful, beautiful guitar. Those are some immaculate axes, the JEMS... they look, sound, feel great and they're well built.
I used to want one of those before I realized I should get a 7-string for 'practical' reasons :)
Vai rules by the way!!

it's a no name brand tho .....i literally could not find ANYTHING on it anywhere......
"B.C. Rich shouldnt be used as a beginners guitar dude. Its kinda hard to tune and will always slip out of the correct note, so its frusterating for a beginner to always re-tune the damn thing heh. Just keep into mind that its not you: its the guitar haha.But then again any kind of guitar is good if you PRACTICE. I practice at least 2 hours a day. Good luck."

That's what bothering me. Since I know 0 about guitars it's like I'm worried that it won't work for me. The guy said that it was like a step up for a beginner. Do have a B.C. Rich?
Seriously though. If this is the guitar I'm getting then I want it to kick ass. Does anyone recommend a B.C. Rich for a beginner?
i recommend learning the acoustic guitar for beginners first. you have to push the strings on an acoustic down much more than on an electric making it kind of hard to play at first. But if you use an acoustic first, your hand will get a firmer grasp and make it a hell of a lot easier to play the electric guitar.
It's a B.C. Rich Custom.
a custom guitar for the beginning? great then. i use a crappy career strato copy and it suxx so bad it's unbelievable! i ahte that crappy guitar! i'll buy an esp ltd m-251 soon to solve this problems! guitars rule! just practice and challenge yourself!
personally i think b.c. richs are ugly, only reasonable looking one they do is the mockingbird, tone aint that great on them either, sure you'll be happy whatever guitar you get though, but little piece of advice...learning to play is pretty damn hard, and it'll be a while before you make any nice sounds from it, no matter which guitar you get ;) btw amps play a big part in the sound too, its never a good idea to spend big on the guitar and get a shitty amp
anyway i like jackson guitars, but to be honest, as a beginner i would say don't rush in and spend a load of money on a kickass guitar, because you don't know if you will stick with it...
B.C. Rich shouldnt be used as a beginners guitar dude. Its kinda hard to tune and will always slip out of the correct note, so its frusterating for a beginner to always re-tune the damn thing heh. Just keep into mind that its not you: its the guitar haha. But then again any kind of guitar is good if you PRACTICE. I practice at least 2 hours a day. Good luck.

Yes and No. B.C. Rich can be hard to tune and keep in tune if you make mistakes like putting the strings too tight/loose, ruining the action or the intonation etc. But while it can be frustrating it also becomes a necesity to be a very clean player without doing exesive bends or too much mistakes or picking too hard, it can help you develop a technique that is clean and economic. I wouldnt suggest you use a tuner, but using something like a keyboard could help you to tune down ( here is a tip i learned some years ago: the telephone dial tune is a perfect A so tune to it when nothing is avaible ) Its important that you always tune to your typical tunning or dropped tunning but never let go any variations even small ones can make your life harder later. Just get confortable with your guitar, ignore other guitarrist styles and try to develop a very economical way of playing with as little movement as possible ( i know there are a lot of players who use wide movements around but its mainly showing off a bit imho ). If you are serious about learning guitar a B.C. rich can get the job done, if you are affraid of getting frustrated over having to tune G each time you do a bending try another guitar ( It does NOT gets out of tune each time if you do a correct bending technique but most players just bend the strings away without making an efford...mainly because other guitars stay in tune more easily )