My first post:)

Originally posted by Somber Soul

So that's what you get drunk on? I don't mind hot chocolate at all!!! Especially if consumed on cold winter nights in some log hut in some icy Norwegian wilderness (yeah yeah, I'll come down from clichés in a second :lol:). But please explain what "rødbrus" is! :confused:

Hehe, that about rødbrus and hot chocolate....... Blackspirit doesn't drink. :) Rødbrus is, and means, red soda.
But most of us don't get drunk in log huts in the izy wilderness.
Only some........ Hehe, so don't ever go up to some mountains in the middle of the night, cause you might hit some drunk norwegians who's competing about coming down the fastest!! (either with cars or with snow scooters) :lol:
Originally posted by Fjelltussa

What's those 3's...??? And what does this mean??? Looks really cool!! :grin:

its supposed to be an L with a slanted line going through it. Its basically a letter only found in Polish, and pronounces the way you would pronounce the "w" in "wow". We've got a bunch of these special little gimmicks hehe.

Originally posted by Sfarog

its supposed to be an L with a slanted line going through it. Its basically a letter only found in Polish, and pronounces the way you would pronounce the "w" in "wow". We've got a bunch of these special little gimmicks hehe.


What is w pronounced like, then? Hehe, I like this language!! :) :)
i thing the most similar to our "w" is english "v" but little harder...after checking in a dictionary its: [vu]
there's more interesting letters in polish:¹ ê æ ó œ ¿ ñ but probably you want see them the same way you see 3 instead of ³ :)
Originally posted by Sfarog

w is pronounced like v :)

What about v then? How do you pronounce that?

Originally posted byThorgrimm
i thing the most similar to our "w" is english "v" but little harder...after checking in a dictionary its: [vu]
there's more interesting letters in polish:¹ ê æ ó œ ¿ ñ but probably you want see them the same way you see 3 instead of ³ :)

Hehe, we have æ, ø, å.
But I can see the little letter that looks like a 3, I just cannot type it, so I typed 3 instead, because it looked similar. :)
"¹" - it's something similar to "on" in the word "Bond" (James Bond) or "wrong"
"ó" - it's the same letter as "u". in polish we have got two letters "u" (normal "u" and the other one is o with line = ó )
Rest of these letters is to hard to explain for me, specially to Norwegian (some of them are very soft and spoken through the nose)

Btw i had some lessons of Norwegian and is it true that all "o" is spoken as "u", and how do you pronounce "Trondheim"?
Hach, language is such an interesting entity. :D
I checked out that link, Ezaphen. I had a look at the Lord's Prayer in Bokmål and Nynorsk.

Regarding the "o" pronouned as "oo"...I guess this is true for all long "o"s, right? Just like in Swedish... Otyg = "ootig".
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
"¹" - it's something similar to "on" in the word "Bond" (James Bond) or "wrong"
"ó" - it's the same letter as "u". in polish we have got two letters "u" (normal "u" and the other one is o with line = ó )
Rest of these letters is to hard to explain for me, specially to Norwegian (some of them are very soft and spoken through the nose)

Btw i had some lessons of Norwegian and is it true that all "o" is spoken as "u", and how do you pronounce "Trondheim"?


the -o- here is pronounced as å, which means about the same as the a in "mall".
-nd- is pronounced nn.
-e- is pronounced as æ, which means as the a in "sad".
-ei- is a diphthong (which means there are only two syllables in the name)
there is equal pressure on trond- and -heim

Did you understand any of that?
The worst thing here is that we Polish can't see Norwegian letters properly and you can't see ours....
anyway some hints for speaking Polish:

polish "SZ" = english "SH" , but harder
polish "œ" (s with a diagonal line above it) = english "SH", but softer
polish "CZ" = english "CH", but harder
polish "æ" ( c wirh a line above it) = english "CH" , but softer

good luck :)
Heh now to continue the tradition, HI I'M NEW HERE. Yes my first post, and I didn't want to post a new topic, so I had to interrupt your language conversation... Oh, and BTW I'm from Bulgaria.