My Forza AA car!


Here is Nowhere
May 13, 2007
Still a work in progress but wanted to get some feedback. The editor for Forza is time consuming as shit, you basically build the text with geometry shapes then modify it till its right. I've got about 6 hours into this one so far. Comments/criticism pls!



Sweet work, dude. I don't really like the flames on the side, but I don't know what other fine decals you could add, so better than nothing. It only gets better with time huh?

Loved the first Forza, second one is big on the to-playlist.
that's nifty.

i have a star wars one, complete with death star, tie fighters, and an x-wing.

i'd take pictures but alas i don't remember my forzamotorsport login heh
Thanks for all the comments! Yea I just added the flames real quick last night, the text is what took all the time. Now that the hard part is done I'm going to remove the flames and probably going to add a sword on one side and axe the any ideas for design on roof? I'm thinking maybe the sword and the axe crossed in front of a viking shield..
If I saw somebody driving that around town I'd just about explode in my pants.
Dude! Fuck yeah, awesome. I know what you mean when you say the editor is time consuming, now way in hell i could do somethin' like that.

Edit: Forgot to say that the Porsche is the epitome of German car engineering.
The flames might be fine except I think there is a little too much purple at the base of them.

I think you should put something like the Avenger cover somewhere. Swords and that mask thing.

The hood might also look cool with the OSFTGH cover art on it.
Ok, I have been lazy lately and haven't got any work done. I'm no artist so I don't know if I should just leave it or what but I removed the flames

Also, I did a mock-up of a sword with the text on the side but it doesn't really look good...

I'm trying to find a way to make realistic flames because I think Amon Amarth and flames fit perfectly together...just watch the main menu on the concert dvd!
If I saw somebody driving that around town I'd just about explode in my pants.

Knowing you're a woman, this concerns me...deeply :lol:

Anyway, that is some pretty damn nice skinning I must say.

The flames were pretty decent, but I think that if you go with the sword, you should make it look like it is behind the text.

Other than that it's really really nicely done
Yeah, scale the sword down so it's the same length as 'Amarth', and put it on the layer behind the text, and mebbe a slight bit of tint the same color as the text...

Hmm... yet another idea for a project I'll never finish. Busy trying to arrange myself to move home lately. :)
I realize this is a bit off-topic, but you ready for the next season of Metalocalypse Bates?
And to be on-topic, I think the first model looked a bit better. But then again it looks like you've just got an in-the-works model for the second.
DVD, CD, and new season, all in September! I'm dying to hear the full versions of the songs, should be some funny shit. You know, I happened to be listening to Fate Of Norns and watching the last episode the other day... The riff to "Go Into The Water" sounds a whole lot like "Valkyries Ride".
If you made the sword less opaque it would work nicely. Like don't even make it stand out at all. As far below 30% opacity as you can manage without it disappearing completely. Same thing with the axe on the other side because that would get in the way of the letters even more than the sword especially if you were to leave it at 100% opacity.

::Also can't wait for Metalocalypse:: Soon I plan on throwing a metal party where we watch all episodes back to back while playing the "Metalocalypse Drinking Game" that I made up.
AWESOME! I have GOT to make sure the Baby Brother sees that!!!...Oooooh wait till I show my hubby... I think it needs flames, but not the ones you had at the top pic. Either that, or something like a burning sun cross beside the lettering (they had one on their 1996 release Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds, you can google image a pic of it), just so the lettering does not sit all alone. I am impressed, though.