My gear needs a rack!


the kinder, gentler me
Jan 1, 2005
Since I couldn't afford to build my studio they way I really want to, I decided to do the "studio to go" thing and build a portable rig. Just need a rack, headphone amp and a rackmount case for my computer. I should be ready to roll this time next month. What do y'all think?

How is the duende? I am thinking of buying it. Is it worth the money?
The Duende is the first plugin that I've ever heard that actually sounds like the hardware piece. It's awesome! If you've never worked on a SSL before, then it will take a little time to get the most out of it.

Yeah, I was looking at the Antech's, but I'm gonna roll with this -

iStarUSA Silent Stylish Music Series 3U Rackmount Case D-300-S-MUSIC Silver/Beige 300W PFC Power Supply-Best Computer Online Store Houston Buy Discount Prices

Brett - my buddy owns the cartage company for Ozzfest. No worries in that department! I'm going with this badboy -

OSP Worldwide-Store
In my experience, the flying company is gonna kill you with the extra price for excessive bagage, but maybe things are different in the USA I don't know :).

That's why I'm gonna make the label/artist pay for it. :heh:

You have a big ass rack (with a Dual Rectifier in it) too, right?
I have an identical Avalon. Despite what a lot of people on the web boards say, I actually like the compressor in it for subtle vocal compression. The EQ is really nice too. Not a huge fan of the pre now that I've got others available (not that it's bad, I just gravitate towards other pres)
I have an identical Avalon. Despite what a lot of people on the web boards say, I actually like the compressor in it for subtle vocal compression. The EQ is really nice too. Not a huge fan of the pre now that I've got others available (not that it's bad, I just gravitate towards other pres)

One thing that irks me about the internet is that it gives way too many people a chance to talk out of their ass. You know, the same exact people who if they were working in a recording studio would be told to stfu and learn - or hit the sidewalk. The compressor and eq on the 737 is undoubtedly among the top 3 most widely used in major league recordings today. I've used these things for years with great success, and I'll keep using it - no matter what the net twerps say.

The pre is excellent for vox. Not a 1073, but still extremely usable. I don't really care for it for guitars and such.
One thing that irks me about the internet is that it gives way too many people a chance to talk out of their ass. You know, the same exact people who if they were working in a recording studio would be told to stfu and learn - or hit the sidewalk. The compressor and eq on the 737 is undoubtedly among the top 3 most widely used in major league recordings today. I've used these things for years with great success, and I'll keep using it - no matter what the net twerps say.

Absomuthafuckinlootly. :kickass: It's the default comp for hip-hop vox, correct?

The best part of the internet is that people who've never heard a 737 will tell you what it's good for, and what it's not...

The pre is excellent for vox. Not a 1073, but still extremely usable. I don't really care for it for guitars and such.

I've never had luck with it on guitars either. My vocal chain these days alternates between a 2022 -> 737 and a 1272 -> 737. The 2022 seems to give more "focus" to the vocal, and the Neve, well...
Since I couldn't afford to build my studio they way I really want to, I decided to do the "studio to go" thing and build a portable rig. Just need a rack, headphone amp and a rackmount case for my computer. I should be ready to roll this time next month. What do y'all think?


hey man. how is that saffire pro? ive had my eye on that thing. if you have used any motu firewire hardware, how would you compare the two. any insight you could give on the saffire pro would be great. thanx.
I've never had luck with it on guitars either.

My new friend Joe who recorded the latest Suffocation told me that he used his 737 for all of the guitars. I honestly thought that it was some sort of Neve or vintage pre when I first heard it. Sounds cool to me. Still prolly something that I wouldn't go for, personally speaking.

Absomuthafuckinlootly. :kickass:

You are officially 'metal' in my book! :headbang:
as far as i can understand the Saffire pro Pre's are similar to the old Focusrite Green series Pre's... And that means, they're pretty nice for what you're paying... Similarities between those pre's and SSL9000 pre's...