My God The Noise!


Oct 14, 2007
OK, so I'm trying to reamp some guitar takes and I am getting insane amounts of noise. Like white noise with some 60 cycle hum just for thrills. Sounds like a tube screamer maxed out going into a metal zone maxed out going into a 5150 maxed out. (No that isn't my setup.)

I'm running a line out of a Firepod into a Radial Pro RMP reamp box and then screamer into amp. Ground pin switch enabled cuts a lot of noise out, but not near enough. If I unplug from the Firepod and still have the amp on, there's little to no noise. When it is plugged in, the noise is there. It isn't the DI track or something because the noise is there whether a signal is being sent or not.

If I go to a clean channel on an amp, the noise is there, but not all crazy like on an overdrive channel.

Any ideas? This is killing me and I can't think of what to do. I'm probably going to order a noise suppressor, but I don't think that should be necessary and even if it is, the noise level seems way too high.

Thanks for any help!
Probably going to have to route the sound of the DI's through your actual sound card. Try that.
No problem dude, I had the same ground loop problems, and sticking the Hum X on my amp's power cable did the trick - definitely money well spent!
Not that I know of, unfortunately, though an isolation transformer would serve the same purpose! (ART or Ebtech, I can't imagine the difference is anything more than the brand name)
No problem dude, I had the same ground loop problems, and sticking the Hum X on my amp's power cable did the trick - definitely money well spent!

Note to self. I live in a 120 year old Victorian house and the noise in my guitar rig at home is ridiculous. (And I'm not even running that much gain either!) At my bandmate's house, it's fine. My wiring is probably not much younger than the house itself. :erk:
Ok, my Hum X arrived today and I slapped it into the socket and plugged the amp in. And... noise! Lots of noise still. Oddly, with the hum x, I had to disable the ground button on the Radial Pro RMP as it caused an extra high pitched noise.

So, before I start tearing everything apart, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I've read a few reviews and one guy had the same problem with a similar setup and putting the hum x between his amp and the wall solved his problem.

The only things plugged in electrically and as part of the signal chain would be Computer going into Firepod going into RMP(passive) going into Amp. I probably will try the hum x on the Firepod and computer, but don't want to go playing in the spaghetti if it's pointless.

Any suggestions? Am I missing some other potential problem?
Hmm, well definitely have the ground lift disabled on the ProRMP when using the Hum X - but if you put it at the end of your amp and there are still problems, I guess try it on your interface and then computer, yeah!
Hmm, well definitely have the ground lift disabled on the ProRMP when using the Hum X - but if you put it at the end of your amp and there are still problems, I guess try it on your interface and then computer, yeah!

Was just going to update my last post... I realized my interface doesn't have a ground... kinda rules that option out. :oops:

I have tried several amps and got the same results, so it's not a specific amp.

I was going to ask, my computer is plugged into a battery backup. Should I plug the hum x into the wall and then the batter backup into the hum x, or should I plug it into the battery backup and then the computer into the hum x? I don't want to be putting it somewhere it shouldn't be.

Hmm, that I couldn't tell ya, since I don't know how it works and I don't wanna give you advice that might blow something up :ill: But the safer bet would definitely be to put it after the battery backup IMO!
So I tore into everything and while I think I've narrowed it down, I'm still totally baffled as to what to do.

Having nothing, and I mean nothing other than the Firepod plugged in with nothing but the trs going to the reamp box going to the amp. Computer off and disconnected from the Firepod. I get noise and lots of it. Using the hum x on the amp sounds exactly the same as engaging the ground lift on the RMP box. I tried all 8 trs outputs on the Firepod as well as trying my 2nd Firepod in the same configuration and got the same results. Even tried plugging the Firepod into different outlets.

I'm totally perplexed and this is driving me crazy as I really need to get some tracks reamped asap.

Anyone with a similar experience or any thoughts?