My guitars are phase-canceling when they shouldn't be

Dec 10, 2012
Washington, DC
I tried searching for threads on this, but all I found was my own thread from a couple of months ago in the Practice section. I am totally confused about phase cancellation as it pertains to harmonized guitar parts.

I have a melodic death metal song with 4 guitar tracks. In some parts, the guitars are harmonized in diatonic thirds. When they're panned hard L/R, it sounds fine. But if I even budge to 90-90 L/R, phase cancellation starts cropping up. I thought this was only the case for sounds that are nearly-but-not-quite identical, which shouldn't apply to harmonies?

Additionally, when I have a part with a chugga-chugga breakdown over 2 more harmonized guitars panned hard L/R, the leads start canceling the chugs.

I'm referencing an Unearth album for this mix and I even noticed that during their harmonized leads, the leads are harmonized on each side, i.e., L = E and G, and R = E and G, for instance. If I did this in my mix, it would create phase cancelation madness, but somehow they're able to do it and it sounds fine.

Sorry if I'm being stupid somehow, but I can't wrap my head around this. Thanks in advance for any replies.

EDIT: Here are the examples.

This is a verse. It's just 2 guitars, not 4, but adding the other 2 doesn't seem to make a ton of difference.

Here are those same 2 guitars panned hard left together.

And here's the chorus. 2 are hard left, 2 are hard right. Each part- the wanky guitars, and the rhythm guitars, sound fine with their respective mirror companion, but when you throw them together, it's awful.
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Same guitar used on all 4 takes? Same amp?

Is it possible that 2 different pickups could cause phase issues? I've heard of amps being out of phase with each other before but I'm just recalling slight details I (think) I recall reading about.
Yeah, same guitar and same amp sim. Here are some examples:

This is a verse. It's just 2 guitars, not 4, but adding the other 2 doesn't seem to make a ton of difference.

Here are those same 2 guitars panned hard left together.

And here's the chorus. 2 are hard left, 2 are hard right. Each part- the wanky guitars, and the rhythm guitars, sound fine with their respective mirror companion, but when you throw them together, it's awful.
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Probably not what you are looking for because it don't solve the prob at its source. But you can use Audiocation Phase on every track to fix the phase accurately.
you cant have anything other than 100/100 with ampsims or cab sims. Only use 1 track or 2 tracks panned 100/100. One ampsim or cabsim cant process more than 2 tracks.