My late christmas gift to you guize: Full song ready to be mixed

I might be on something (...err, not drugs though haha) with these.

Tried to study Erm's and Lolzgregs mixes because they were getting most attention. The prob was that, imo, Ermz's clip kinda "choked" to the point of undefinition in many guitar parts and Lolzgreg pushed that backing track to a point where even those loud spikey toms disappeard somewhere inside the rms. So today I tried make similar mixes, even frequency wise, but with some "fixes" in different areas. Links below. Of course these are quick takes (too), so no serrrious meaning other than practice.
Ola any way you upload the Mesa tracks for the OP again (i can't reamp and don't wanna mess up with amp sims either) ? The link is not working anymore and i'm currently using this mix for a Superior 2.0 drums reference. That would be awesome.
Oh, I can't wait for some more songs to mix !!

I reamped this song again through the Uberschall but this time
with lots of lower mids and I thought it sounded cool so I
post it here :

Dude some drums elements are not being played here (or very quietly)... check the blast beat parts for instance, i only hear kick and snare.