My Latest Girl Thread

Damn! I'm hungry! Instead of finding the lunch thread I'll just say I like to eat pussy in this one, because it fits. I mean, I guess.

I used to be afraid, then I sorta got used to it, and now I'm like GIMME THAT FISH TACO RRRAAAAARRR!!!!!
One Inch Man said:
Damn! I'm hungry! Instead of finding the lunch thread I'll just say I like to eat pussy in this one, because it fits. I mean, I guess.

I used to be afraid, then I sorta got used to it, and now I'm like GIMME THAT FISH TACO RRRAAAAARRR!!!!!

I like giving more than receiving. I mean, it's nice and all, but there's so many things that can go wrong! Teeth, piercings, etc... And when the shit hits the fan... Oh man, it ain't pretty...
My girlfriends cute and I love her to death, but she drives me encredibly nuts and sometimes I wish I would just die she makes me so angry, yes dead me not her. She gives the most amazing head i have ever had in my life and judging that I was a big head whore in highschool I know. I told her its porn star quality like. Sometimes I wish I could share to the world her amazing abilities. Maybe Ill film it someday, i would really like too. Its jaw droppingly amazing. Oh and she swallows every time and never spills a drop. Shell keep sucking even after Im done for a few minutes just to make sure. God I wish she was here right now Ive made myself horny. :tickled:
My girlfriends cute and I love her to death, but she drives me encredibly nuts and sometimes I wish I would just die she makes me so angry, yes dead me not her. She gives the most amazing head i have ever had in my life and judging that I was a big head whore in highschool I know. I told her its porn star quality like. Sometimes I wish I could share to the world her amazing abilities. Maybe Ill film it someday, i would really like too. Its jaw droppingly amazing. Oh and she swallows every time and never spills a drop. Shell keep sucking even after Im done for a few minutes just to make sure. God I wish she was here right now Ive made myself horny. :tickled:

That sounds like true love if I've ever heard it :Smug:

That reminds me, I watched the stupid Paris Hilton video (some dude at work gave it to me) and as she's suckin' the dude off, he says "I love you." :guh: Even better, is her response: "I love you too. *SLUUUUURP*" hahahahahaha what a fuckin' cooze.
Henrik Main said:
My latest girl: Last night
Looks: Hottest girl I've ever laid mouth on so far. 9/10. Dark hair, brown eyes, suparr-hot slim body, ace titties.
What happened?: Heavy mouth vs. mouth-action and some rude touching.
Digits?: Hell yes.

Pix plz! OK;


God she looks young. However, I swear she said she's 17 (18 in November, allegedly) :p

She does slightly freak me out now and then in that she wants to come over to my place all the time and so on and so forth. I'm rather hesitant, to be perfectly honest. That may change, though..
Bung? Is that the sound of an erect penis, Marksveld? :p

Yeah, she's hot and nice looking and all that, however there is something strange about her (personality-wise) that I can't quite put my finger on. And I'm not really only after a "hunk of flesh" :D
Erik said:
LOL she's going to show up in the middle of the night with your name carved into her arms crying about how she loves you more than life itself and then stalk you for years and years until you have to get a restraining order against her :lol: :lol: :lol:

That'd be even funnier if the same thing (almost) hadn't happened to me about two years ago. Lolz. Good times.

Nah, this one's not psychotic, she's a friend of my good friend's sister, and she wouldn't be friends with her in the first place if she was the total suckage and/or psychotic. I HOPE. :p Nah, seriously.
Erik said:
LOL she's going to show up in the middle of the night with your name carved into her arms crying about how she loves you more than life itself and then stalk you for years and years until you have to get a restraining order against her :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'd do that. Or write a note with my own blood smeared on it. Anyone seen the Good Girl?

Nah, I wouldn't go that far, but that's what they say about me. I'm attractive, but there's just something wrong. Could be the meds... or maybe it's just me.
One friend finds the strangeness amusing.