My Latest Girl Thread

She's cute. I'm fancying this norwegian girl myself. Might have to go over there to meet her some day.

Edit: That was aimed at the pic Henrik posted.
Erik said:
LOL she's going to show up in the middle of the night with your name carved into her arms crying about how she loves you more than life itself and then stalk you for years and years until you have to get a restraining order against her :lol: :lol: :lol:

Been there. I'll tell you this much, a girl like that will do some fucked up shit in bed. :) Trust me... fucking a girl covered in blood (other than menstrual :tickled: ...although I've been there as well) can be very hot. Then again, I'm a bastard with no soul. She was a great person though. Sad to see how much people will defile themselves to please someone that they obsess over.
Henrik Main said:
Pix plz! OK;


God she looks young. However, I swear she said she's 17 (18 in November, allegedly) :p

She does slightly freak me out now and then in that she wants to come over to my place all the time and so on and so forth. I'm rather hesitant, to be perfectly honest. That may change, though..

this one looks like marriage material ... don't fuck this one up :loco:
18 in November, allegedly

a Scorpio chick??? ... take my word on this one ... she is a sex fiend !!! ... ALL Scorpio chicks are .. been with many ... am one myself (not a chick, but a Scorpio :loco: ) .... but Scorpio chicks .... wowa weewee ... you are in for a ride my death metal listening new wave looking friend :lol:
Yep, I agree with prenups. No wait, I don't... anyone I want to marry has to make more than I do. :D
but then... I'll make it last.

Hmm... reading this thread made me realise that I don't have an avid interest or crush on anyone at this moment. It's a rarity for me. Yay.
Sometimes people ask me "damn NAD, how can I be smooth like you?" so I shall demonstrate. The following is a cell phone text conversation with a girl I dated last year, haven't talked to her in ages:

her: "whatcha doin?"
me: "listening to mars volta"
her: "sounds like fun! how have you been?"
me: "I think im jesus!"
her: "Ur funny"

Damn I'm smooth. :loco:
heres a convo between me and girls.

Girl: heyyyyy whats up!
Me: Wanna come over to "chill and watch a movie"?
Girl: Sure!

*sex ensues*

Im sure you highschool/college chaps know what im on about.

not bad, out for the stalker ones, though. the crazy stalker ones. especially if they memorize your work schedule...true story, she was ugly too :zombie:
This beer bitch is crazy, and I havne't even gone out on an actual date with her, she just keeps showing up where I go to drink. :hypno:
One Inch Man said:
Sometimes people ask me "damn NAD, how can I be smooth like you?" so I shall demonstrate. The following is a cell phone text conversation with a girl I dated last year, haven't talked to her in ages:

her: "whatcha doin?"
me: "listening to mars volta"
her: "sounds like fun! how have you been?"
me: "I think im jesus!"
her: "Ur funny"

Damn I'm smooth. :loco:
