My Latest Work (literally just finished this)

joey i love your productions but i must say i dont think its such a good idea for you to keep having sly digs at some of the bands you work for, we get that you hate working with "attack attack" and "miss may i", and by that note im guessing u despise "asking alexandria" aswel? seing as they give you so much work and are entrusting you to give them the sound they need i dont think they would be very happy to find out the way u stab them in the back

nevertheless ure stil "the" producer of the moment
joey i love your productions but i must say i dont think its such a good idea for you to keep having sly digs at some of the bands you work for, we get that you hate working with "attack attack" and "miss may i", and by that note im guessing u despise "asking alexandria" aswel? seing as they give you so much work and are entrusting you to give them the sound they need i dont think they would be very happy to find out the way u stab them in the back

nevertheless ure stil "the" producer of the moment

Flipping balls why was this resurrected, the link is down and your post has nothing to do with the song
This is the kind of stuff Lasse is talking about. Someone has to come and try and start shit and turn it into another flame war. These are the kind of people killing this place and its sad. Lock the thread and boot Foundation! Done.
war or not, lets get something straight

im not trying to stab these people in the back, and these bands very well know my discomfort with breakdowns and scenecore bullshit. in fact its something that's discussed just about every day.
the shocking thing is, a lot of these bands have the same disgust in themselves... but we know its a business. and if you're not playing breakdowns on your tour, you're the weaker / lesser band of the package.

finally, i am mature enough to not like something, but still bring someone's creative vision to an end product... even if it's something i'm not entirely in love with doing.

i still love what i do, even if its a buntch of bands with breakdowns. i know it won't always be this way so i'm not that worried.
Right on, eyes forward.

Even if someone does want to bitch out the bands they work with - it's their right. Bluntness and honesty are usually valued characteristics in producers, and chances are the clients have heard the same criticisms directly many times over, so there's no back to be stabbing. I think it's cool to acknowledge the shittyness of where the music is at, but at the same time be able to separate the business aspects from the personal ideals.
I never saw Joey back stabbing any band he worked with and I´m a member of this forum for about 4 years now!?!?!
Further more I heard Joey defending bands he worked with, with telling us what great dudes they are....
this foundation dude is shit, end of discussion....

Also I must say it shows the quality of a producer do bring bands on a level without even enjoying some parts of their music.

So this shows even more Joeys quality...