My new amp

WarHead said:
Its a mesa boogie dual rectifier with the standard slanted cab. Good stuff. :D
If that randomly goes missing, I wasn't the one that stole it ;)
That's a really badass amp though, and grats, hope you like it man. :D
Needlefeast said:
If that randomly goes missing, I wasn't the one that stole it ;)
That's a really badass amp though, and grats, hope you like it man. :D
Heh.,.I've wanted it for sooo damn long.,..,it was worth the wait,..,and money.,,. \m/
Iced In Flames said:
You definitly should throw an EQ on it. If you like it now then you'll love it then.
this is true shit. it helps a WHOOOOLLE fuckin lot
Iced In Flames said:
You definitly should throw an EQ on it. If you like it now then you'll love it then.
Nah man,..,im just gonna get a tube screamer on it,.,.alittle compression,.,.good stuff,.,.