Hehe, I loved Punch-Out... such a great game. And I love that song also, but I think the parts are completely different.... The punch-out song is a lot cooler, and it's a classic..
I'm working on making some of the parts better and the progressions tie together more smoothly... And I'm also getting better recordings this time.. The thing is, I need to get myself a new guitar and an acoustic. I'm just using the 1980 custom gold-plated les paul because its all I have, and when I record acoustic with it, it has a weird twangy sound.
I knew people here would bust my barrs, but this is my first song I ever wrote, so I didn't really expect people to be liek *omg its as good as still life*... in reality its probably more like "I Hate Hip Hop" by the Almighty. But I hate hip hop can eventually turn into an Orchid, if you know what I mean. It just takes some time, practice, and critisizm I guess.
Hey, atleast I finally learned what the notes on the guitar were prior to recording the song. Atleast I recorded it all in the same key of C.

And I finally learned how to record the bass guitar without it sounding bad, so the new recording should actually be pretty nice, and if I find somewhere that will host the 10mb 128kbps - quality mp3, I might give you guys a decent quality version of the song after I'm done re-recording.
@ -Ea- : I appreciate you stickin' up for me dood.
I write the music I like and stuff I would like to listen to, and if other people like it and will listen to it, then that's sweet. I don't want to piss anyone off, but my aunt liked this song better than my cover of "buried by the dead", she said it sounded more 'eerie'... hehe..

I wish I could cover the whole RTC album.
Who wants to buy me an expensive studio microphone?