My New Purchase!!!

i was depressed last night and took 2 xanex pills, i shit you not, i went to play WoW and i walked around for 10 minutes and i passed out at the end of the bed, i don't know how i got there either cause i don't remember.
working out again has helped me a lot with that stuff. for me, talking never really helps. i feel better when i actually get off of my ass and do something ... and plus i just get an endorphin rush and get a nice emotional equilibrium going on.
Yay, new mini bong.


That is awesome!

it was either something like that, or that dragon piece i have now. The guy behind the counter (some fat biker dude, he was awesome) showed it to me and told me how cool it was, along with a glass piece that was a pistol (the butt of the gun was a bowl) so you have to turn the gun upside down to smoke, but it was cool lookin'.

i would post a pic of the huge bag i got today, but not sure if that violates forum policy but is probably just stupid lol, but its a brick, nearly the size of both my hands put together.
I'm jealous. I don't have any. My buddy and I had to break in the bong yesterday.
Looks like a bag of salad.

..A stinky bag of salad.

...A bag of salad I really wish I had right now.
the bowl for Scarlet (puff the magic dragon) goes a little past the half way mark of its belly, you just can't clearly see it.

you gonna be up at 4am Central Time Kevin?