My new saffire focusrite just F'ed up my cubase project file! HELP


Apr 7, 2006
I don't know if anyone has any experience with this unit, but I am trying to use it with Cubase SX3. I plugged it in, installed the drivers, and switched to the ASIO in cubase. I then proceeded to open one of my cubase files, and it said that the sample rates were different and the project sounded all weird and out of whack. My tracks were faster and at a higher pitch.

Anyone know what I can do? This was one of my masterpieces, and now it's all screwed up and i'm freaking a bit.
Thanks for the reply. My only option for sample rate in cubase is the 48000 hz, and that's what i have the saffire set to. Strange, but it won't play back my projects properly. record...vox..

I can't figure out what the problem is....when I select the Focusrite as my ASIO it says "changed sample rate to 48000 hz". But when I switch it back to my PODXT, it says "changed sample rate to 48000 hz" This is so frustrating!

P.s....when I open my projects with the Saffire ASIO, cubase says the "sample rate cannot be set, which may be due to the sampleclock being set to external sync"
I seem to have gotten it to work, except now it's recording in mono. I'll have to see if i can mess with it to record in stereo.

The unfortunate thing is it sounds like crap with my SM7B.