My OOOONLY complaint about the show:

Nice to come to a festival's forum that I support 100% and read a thread involving a promoter directly slamming those that post at my forum and slamming me for not allowing freedom of speech.

You are a class act Rob.

This probably needed to be said to bring about awareness. I think Rob's heart is in the right place, it's just that his brain tends to be absent sometimes. ;)
No war. I'm done.

Each promoter is charged with doing business his own way and that includes interaction with other promoters and the public. Each is charged with determining what they deem is acceptable and promotes their own show. I have always allowed constructive criticism on my own forum. What I do not allow is unconstructive idiotism or repeated abuse on an issue that has cleary already been addressed.

My philosphy is obviously different than Rob's regarding forum etiquette and that is fine. If you visit a bar, you will see a sign that says they have the right to refuse service and escort you off the property if necessary. They are protecting their interest. If people decide not to return, then that practice has driven away their customers and should be re-examined. Traffic at my board continues to grow *way* more than just the people that attend the event so I must be doing something right in the eyes of those that visit. Otherwise, I would not have one of the larger forums on UM.

I do stand by my coment though as Rob chose to take a shot at me when I have been nothing but supportive over the years of him, Chris, and Powerfest in both public and behind the scenes in terms of business contacts. It's one thing when fans criticize you on other forums. They have every right to do so. You will never see me get upset with them or argue the point. However, it's a different story when a fellow professional that you mistakely have supported over the years does.
Aw crap, it looks like my stupid post on May 1 was the one that first even brought up the PP forum.

I just want to put in that my offhand remark was not intended to instigate some sort of us-vs-them forum flamefest, since I'm both an us and a them. All I was trying to do was point out that it was funny to compare one thread in one place, in which a complaint was too little lighting, to another thread in another place, in which a complaint was too *much* lighting. The fact that it was the PP forum was not really relevant, so now I wish I hadn't even mentioned it.


... Powerfest and PPUSA are two different festivals conducted in fairly different manners. Starting some stupid internet "war" over it is utterly ridiculous.


- R
Nice to come to a festival's forum that I support 100% and read a thread involving a promoter directly slamming those that post at my forum and slamming me for not allowing freedom of speech.

You are a class act Rob.

Sorry you feel that way, Glenn...I just call it like I see it. Even I've been victim to your censorship for comments that were completely innocent, but you were afraid that some people's delicate feelings might get hurt or that it might cause an argument.

Gimme a break...after all, isn't this METAL!!! If it weren't for freedom of speech, there would be no metal!! So, isn't censorship really a form of hypocrisy?!

Also, do you really support us 100%? That's OK, I'm at least professional enough not to share what I know on a public forum...I will choose to censor myself in this case. ;)
A war?! :lol: :lol:

Come on guys?! That's fuckin' ridiculous!! To me, this is nothing more than an innocent spat between least that's the way I'm seeing it.

And to wildfyr...honestly, I can't believe you chimed in the way you did. It's OK for you to post your "educated" opinions regardless if you're right or wrong or anyone agrees with you or not, but if I make blunt comments because I don't sugarcoat, that makes me, did you put "brain tends to be absent sometimes". Whatever...thanks!

Sorry I may not always be "safe" with the words I choose to use...but don't be mistaken...I don't post shit without intending to say exactly what I'm feeling at that moment. True, my feelings might get the best of me sometimes...but SO FUCKIN' WHAT?! LIGHTEN UP!!

And you know what else...what's really great about your comment is that it's STILL THERE!!! And don't worry, I won't hold it against certainly have the right to say whatever you want or insult whomever you want here. :p

Also, and this is very important for you to know!!! This fest has NEVER, nor will it EVER be a business to's a fuckin' PASSION!!! And if I can't be passionate with what I do or say in regards to it or anything related to it, then it will no longer be worth doing...not to me anyway, and I know Chris & John feel the same way.
It isnt about who has better line is about the people on the boards to what started most of this mess. I think that people were saying that the PP board is full of ass kissers and here it is more of an open forum and we crack on each other and fight, but in all good fun. Plus we are honestly critical with giving advice. one is critical. They hang on every word that comes from Glenn. that is what the discussion was about. If it came down to lineups....PP would win by a landslide. sorry. This is just about the people on the board....nothing else.
I do stand by my coment though as Rob chose to take a shot at me...

How is it a shot at you when you openly admit that you censor your forum. I completely agree with your bar analogy, and that's totally fine...I completely understand it...but that still doesn't make what I said a "shot" at you...we just have a difference of opinion.

Is it not OK for you & I to have different opinions just because we both share similar roles in the metal community...we don't actually do "business" together. And just because Chris, John & I are forced to run it like a business, doesn't mean that's all it is to us. First & foremost, I'm a metal fan (as are Chris & John), so why could I not offer my opinion just like anyone else? That's not fair, is it? Am I giving up some sort of trade secrets? No. Then why is my opinion not as important as a regular fan...sorry, I don't agree with that line of thinking.

Sorry you feel slighted in any way about all this, and hopefully we can move on...but of course, that's your choice.
Also, and this is very important for you to know!!! This fest has NEVER, nor will it EVER be a business to's a fuckin' PASSION!!! And if I can't be passionate with what I do or say in regards to it or anything related to it, then it will no longer be worth doing...not to me anyway, and I know Chris & John feel the same way.

Well said Rob.....well said!!:headbang: