Chicago Primadonna fest anyone??

Wow. It's a rarety that I come across people that really don't care for music at all...and now I read about two in this thread?! :erk: I never understand people like that. I'm not trying to knock anyone (especially the wives and gf's!). I just simply don't get it. For me, I couldn't date anyone that wasn't into music as much as I am. They wouldn't have to have identical tastes, but damn. I'm pretty flexible though, as my music interests stretch far beyond metal.
Sorry to hear about the low attendance.

I have attended the CPF 05, 06 & 07. The Pearl Room is by far the finest location for this type of festival. This place was a breeze to get to compared to 05 & 06. Please keep it there for next year.

Gotta hand out a big thumbs up and thanks bro to the MountainKing for his excellent driving directions to avoid the traffic. I would have liked to thank you in person, but unfortunately you couldn't make it.

I must say that this festival is definitely one of my favorite yearly activities. I count down the days. This is also the only way you will get me to drive on the Illinois Tollways...

Hopefully you can secure the headliners further in advance for next year so we can all have more time to hype up the show and get the word out.

Like many of you have said... get me one band I love and I will be there to support the fest.