Chicago Primadonna fest anyone??

Just a clarification...the kitchen closing is not a permanent thing. It was just bad timing because they let their cook go a couple weeks before the fest. As soon as they hire another one, the kitchen will be open again & food should be available at next year's fest...that is, if there is a fest. ;)

There will be... because you're a big pussy and you'll cave in to all the peer pressure. :lol:

I personally felt that there was something for everyone this year. The thing that I think people need to keep in mind is that this fest was never intended to be a POWER METAL FEST. Geez! I think it's great that different genres of metal were represented, from technical death to doom.

Damn straight... this is why CPF is my favorite fest... it's the most successful attempt at mixing things up. Most fests revolve around one or two specific genres, and the ones that DO mix things up a bit (the Koshick-fests and such) are almost always crappy. Where else can we see bands as diverse and as awesome as Suspyre, Solitude Aeturnus and Martyr play together in the same weekend? I can see people who only like certain genres of metal possibly not wanting to go... but for those of us who truly love metal in all of its forms, this is the place to be.
This will be my last commentary on this so let's all just drop it
and not let it ruin the kickass weekend we all had!!!!

My comments were not directed at anyone in particular but more
of our bubble finally bursting after the three of us hearing various
shit over the years about our fest and other fests in general. We
always appreciate constructive criticism, use it to better the fest,
better people's experiences in every aspect and while most of you
guys may have attended, there are quite a few others that didn't
for reasons other than their taste in the lineup. Things finally came
to a head and, well, what can I say, some shit just had to be said.

Fact: 180 paid on Friday, 241 paid on fucking pathetic
is that??? $15/day to see even ONE band each night should have
gotten at LEAST 300 people in the door each night....Atheist alone
should have gotten at least 500 people in for their last midwest
show ever. Hell, even $18 just to come one night is a steal if you
were only a fan of one of the main bands. Granted, we were behind the
eight ball with only six weeks to promote the final lineup due to all
the bullshit it took to finalize it but come on, we promoted harder
than ever, had more exposure in the newspapers and on the web and
we couldn't get at least 300 people each night? I still can't believe
it and I can't believe that there aren't more fans of these bands out
there. That unto itself is the mind boggler...especially when there were
no other big metal shows in town to compete with it....supposedly, Chicago
has been one of the top selling metal markets for years...where the fuck
are all the metal heads??

Fact: Say what you mean, mean what you say and forgetaboutit! We're not
looking for ass kissers or anything of the like!

Fact: Yes, moving to a new venue once again didn't help matters as we
didn't have an established home where people knew what to expect.
Yes, it sucked balls last year that the hotel wasn't closer (think about
us having to drive bands back and forth while trying to run things...that
sucked!) but this year, one was right across the street. However, for
locals, that shouldn't even been an issue unless you live 60+ min away.

Fact: The sound, stage and lights kick ass! Yes, it was a bit loud for
a while but the mix was still killer once things got rolling each night.

Fact: There was pizza at the venue, the bar in the back of the room
had it and it was pretty goddamn good too! Sorry that I didn't find out
sooner but you guys should have been able to sniff it out. :)

Fact: You can't go in/out and they don't have premium beer since it's not
in their business model (ie: they don't sell enough to make it worth it)...big
faakin deal.

Fact: Everyone I talked to had a blast, the fans and bands were great, the
hotel let us party all hours of the night and we all had an amazing time!

Fact: We appreciate all of you guys and everyone that helped to make
Powerfest one of THEE BEST fests in the US....that was straight from enough
band's and fan's mouth's to justify it! :kickass:

Fact: FAH-Q to all that missed out on a great weekend of friends, metal and
mayhem for lame ass reasons....hopefully, we'll get to do it all next year times 10! :headbang:

That is all...thanks for listening...over!
The bottom line is, everyone who came had a great time.
Hopefully, the word will spread out to those who didn't come.

You will always have metalheads, esp out of towners, who will not come unless they like at least half the bands. It is easy for me to come, since it is a local event for me. Take Milwaukee Metalfest this year for example. Crap line up = Jasonic not going, even though it is only a 2 hour drive or whatever.

Chris and Rob - It sounds like you guys are definitely on the right track towards a successful 2008. (IE - listening to our recommendations for bands some of us would like to sponsor, etc). Earlier planning will be extremely beneficial.

Also, I am sure a lot of people were at the Pearl Room for the 1st time. I think most of us liked the venue. The stage was viewable from every angle of the floor. The lighting was really killer too.

Allow me to make one more recommendation. I made it earlier this year and some of you laughed and it was forgotten. Two words... STREET TEAM!
We all go to many shows. How many of us passed out flyers aside from Rob and Chris at a couple shows? We all say we are passionate about the fest. You can certainly show it by being a street teamer, which would basically involve flyering at shows, record stores, coffee houses, wherever metal heads hang out....... Just something to think about for 2008.

We can all piss and moan day and night on here, but the problem is, as Ken said perfectly, we are preaching to the choir! Get the message out to the people who AREN'T here.
I just have one comment, but it's not really fest related, but an ammendum to Chris's post...

I'm surprised the hotel didn't get pissed at us for going at it at all hours of the night. :lol:

Also, I like Jasonic's "Street Team" idea. Just have somebody make up a flyer and we can all print them out and pass 'em around. I mean, I don't go to too many shows, but I could definitely pass them out at college. Surely there's some metalheads around here; and most of them live in Chicago to boot!
There were a few people in business suits down on the first floor, at least... I mean, the guys who weren't there for the festival stuck out like a sore thumb.

You can just tell a metalhead from 1000 feet. :lol:
Two words... STREET TEAM!

Yep, agreed 100% and we did have a small street team happening
between the Girls of Metal, Andy from Metal Doman, Kevin and his
crew at the Pearl Room, Aaron from Twelfth Gate, our little marketing
buddy, Laura, Rob, John and I plus a few others.

We had 5000 of those laminated cards made and I'd say at least 4000
were personally handed to people, Lance King sent part of the other
1000 out with orders and there were stacks left at various locations.

With that being said, we'll certainly develop a stronger steet team model
for next year if things go well....
I really like the Pearl Room....I just hate that it is way out in the burbs. I dont mind driving that far but I hate dealing with parking after getting back into the city late.
I hate the 1 lane bullshit on the merge from 57-94! Ahhhh!!
I wish EVERY metal show was at Pearl Room so I wouldnt have to put up with the crazy parking and Chitown traffic.
Yeah the complaining is way out of hand...I don;t get it..Its once a yr for fuks sake...It should be like something u get excited about and look forward to..I know me and my pal did..All we could think of was seeing those godly bands etc...Nevermind we drove 8hrs and it never once came up about the drive and i hear from Chicago people at the fest that it would draw bigger if it was in the city because of the drive etc..I can't even fathom that reasoning......U guys complaining aren;t true music fans....I grew up i nthe hey day of thrash and going /driving to fests etc is part of the joy......I can;t even begin to imagine what goes into running the fest and then to lose money to boot..Man people are so out of touch...:err: ..People shou;d be donating a small donation to the promoters just to help them out.....who didn;t come to the fest but complained.......

spoken like a true Canadian.:lol:
haha--u know what i do have 1 wife made me 6 amazing Italian sanwiches for the trip and the border cop took them away and threw them in the garbage right infront of me..Says if i didn;t fess up that i could of been fined 300$ per item.....I was actually quite devasted..those were gold sanwiches....:lol:

Yeah, that is quite a load of crap. I would be angry as hell. :erk:

I mean, seriously, were you trying to smuggle evil sandwiches into the country? :lol:
My girlfriend would do anything she could to keep me from going to shows.

Hold on a sec there buddy....
You have a girl? We need details!!!!!!!!!!!
Is she into metal? (I assume not since she didn't attend)

My wife is not really into music at all.
Therefore, any show I go to results in some sort of issue since it conflicts with other family things, etc....
Yeah, my wife stopped going to shows with me once we got married. She said that once we were married, she didn't feel like she "had" to go to shows anymore. :lol:
(The things we do for love right?)
:lol: Shouldn't that mean that she "has" to go even more?

In all honesty, it's cool. I would rather her not go if she truly would not want to be there. It would ruin the fun for me if I knew she was miserable.

While it's good to have things in common as a couple, it is also just as good to have things for yourself too.