Chicago Primadonna fest anyone??

bah, don't let it get to you. I think the impression you can get from reading this forum is a lot worse than the reality, as far as the population of whiny bitches goes. From my perspective, it's mostly just Diabolik and Jasonic, who apparently aspire to be the two old cranky dudes from The Muppets (except without the funny!) They decided to camp out and make this forum their "home", which means they post way more than necessary, and to fill up those posts, they have to mention every little niggling thing that could potentially bother anyone. So it's easy to get the impression that the whining is a lot more widespread than it actually is.

Hey...I admit I bitch alot and complain. But I was there on saturday still supporting the fest. Even though I didnt like most of the bands I was there to support it and meet people. Hoping even to find a new band that I would like. To call me one of the cranky old dudes....F**K Y*U. I support tons of shows. I love going to shows. It is one of my favorite pastimes. Metal is a big part of my life. I have been into metal since 84 or so. Everyone is talking about the old types not supporting it and being cranky....well the young fans in a few years will be onto the next trend in music. Out of 100 30 to 40 will maybe stick around. Sure I complain and stuff but I also give lots of idea's and opinions. Sorry i dont kiss ass and say everything is great. My complaining is about big things...not about pens being taken or fat security guards or trivial things. Mine is about the longevity of the fest itself. I want nothing more than to see it bloom into something huge where I can see 8 to 10 great bands every year. I have been outspoken about the line up from the start. Rob knows. I have been pestering him about it since the fest was announced. Too also say that you only care if you can put your money where your mouth is...lots of people would love to but cant finanically. I barely get by week to week. So that means I dont care. That is screwed up. I would love to be able to drop 1000 bucks and bring a band over. Just can financially at the moment, or even fly to Atlanta for a ProgPower one year. Just cant do it. I can barely afford new clothes and to get my car fixed.
It is easy to point and Bob and I because we are here.
But as Bob said, WE WERE THERE. (And last year as well).

The bottom line is the word needs to get out to the thousands of Chicago metalheads who were not there.

I have said this a million times. Many of you judge everything by the 20 people who post here. You have to look at the grand scheme of things.

If you want it to, we can let this become the Prog Power board, where Rob and Chris mention a band, and we all immediately go "WOW!!! I have NEVER heard the band, but HOME RUN, I am immediately a fanboy!!!"

Sorry, I guess I would prefer to be more honest. My honesty is portrayed with the best intentions.

That being said, I was personally content with the line-up this year. Though, I can see why there were many who chose not to come because of the line-up.

I will be in the house next year regardless of who plays. Bob (Diabolik) and I have been saying that since Powerfest 2006. We fully appreciate the guys and this fest, esp being local to us. Of course we want it to succeed.
If you want it to, we can let this become the Prog Power board, where Rob and Chris mention a band, and we all immediately go "WOW!!! I have NEVER heard the band, but HOME RUN, I am immediately a fanboy!!!"

Now that makes me laugh...cuz its so damn true!

I've flown into Chicago from the VA/DC area since Powerfest '05. And you know what? As long as there's a Powerfest, I'll continue to do just that.

I'm not always a fan of all the bands. Hell, I don't even always know who half the bands are. But I love metal and I'm always gonna support it. Thats what its all about.

Its the fests like this that keep it alive and its up to all us fans to keep it going.

And as far as bitching about the venue goes...I'm just glad to not have to spend half the night in the basement of some old un-air condtioned church in the dead of summer just to see a good metal band :)
I've been into metal since '92, technically (and yes, I'm only 19...). Though I was too young to realize the grand scheme of what I was listening to when dad gave me Black Sabbath - Paranoid on cassette... But, I digress... I went into the fest this year only knowing Solitude Aeturnus and Novembers Doom. Now that it is all said and done, I can pretty much say I liked every band that played, with the exception of Martyr, who still put on an enjoyable live show and displayed great skill. But it was good to hear bands that I really wanted to see and some that I didn't have a clue about, because I was nothing but impressed and excited the whole weekend. A complete rush that I am about ready to crash off of after tonight's Chemistry test...
If you want it to, we can let this become the Prog Power board, where Rob and Chris mention a band, and we all immediately go "WOW!!! I have NEVER heard the band, but HOME RUN, I am immediately a fanboy!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will be in the house next year regardless of who plays. Bob (Diabolik) and I have been saying that since Powerfest 2006. We fully appreciate the guys and this fest, esp being local to us. Of course we want it to succeed.

And thanks! We really do appreciate it! :kickass:

And for the's not so much the general complaining/criticising as it is the sense that some comments come off as that person thinks they can do it better...which is where the "put your money where your mouth is" replies become justified.
I unfortunately missed powerfest this year, life just got in the way....I agree the bitching is lame tho, I don't see what anybody could say bad about the Pearl Room (cept the security), it's an ideal venue for a fest like this....I think everybody wants or expects an Earthlink Live these days, it's ashame that has become what seems to be the standard.

I honestly think the age excuse is lame, you're only as old as you think you are. Sure I'm not really able to go as I was 10 years ago but when I want to do something I'm gonna fucking do it. I dunno I don't really have room to talk since I wasn't there this year but I have been a big supporter of this fest since they brought it back a few years ago and I will continue to support it as long as it keeps going.
I understand your frustration, Chris, but could you point out some of the apparently many posts from people who really wanted to see some of the bands, but they did not attend due to other considerations? From what I've read, most of the people who did not attend did not care for the lineup itself.
The lineup was the main reason I didn't attend. I was set to go as long as the headliners were acceptable to me ... in the end they weren't, and with the cancellation of Mystic Prophecy I started to lose interest.

I also had several friends back out for various reasons .. all mainly to do with the roster not being to their liking. The group I run with is more interested in prog and power than death, doom, and tech, and several of them would have had trips in that required plane trips, or several hour drives.

Another reason I decided to pass is because I'm dropping a few thousand in July/August when I head to Germany for Wacken ... so basically I didn't have the funds to drop on a lineup that was sparce on bands that I'm not into.

I would have loved to have supported the festival (I have attended twice before), but all things added up to a no-go for me. Hopefully next year will be more appealing to me ... I'd definately attend again in the future, because the two previous CPF's I attended were pretty high class, and run very professionally.

Chris, Rob .. sorry you guys didn't get the attendance you wanted/needed to make things work out financially. I was hoping you would get a good draw, but really didn't expect that with headliners like Atheist and Lethal. They just aren't big sells .. with big drawing power.

I think one big draw, and then some lesser draws like Atheist and Lethal might have seen far more people attend, but I know you guys had some things fall thru on you.

Britt (not a bitcher .. not really at least)
The lineup was the main reason I didn't attend. I was set to go as long as the headliners were acceptable to me ... in the end they weren't, and with the cancellation of Mystic Prophecy I started to lose interest.

I also had several friends back out for various reasons .. all mainly to do with the roster not being to their liking. The group I run with is more interested in prog and power than death, doom, and tech, and several of them would have had trips in that required plane trips, or several hour drives.

Another reason I decided to pass is because I'm dropping a few thousand in July/August when I head to Germany for Wacken ... so basically I didn't have the funds to drop on a lineup that was sparce on bands that I'm not into.

I would have loved to have supported the festival (I have attended twice before), but all things added up to a no-go for me. Hopefully next year will be more appealing to me ... I'd definately attend again in the future, because the two previous CPF's I attended were pretty high class, and run very professionally.

Chris, Rob .. sorry you guys didn't get the attendance you wanted/needed to make things work out financially. I was hoping you would get a good draw, but really didn't expect that with headliners like Atheist and Lethal. They just aren't big sells .. with big drawing power.

I think one big draw, and then some lesser draws like Atheist and Lethal might have seen far more people attend, but I know you guys had some things fall thru on you.

Britt (not a bitcher .. not really at least)

I wondered where you were were high profile here for a while and then vanished. I even asked Jason if you were coming to the fest. You answered my question.
I can't help thinking that part of this rant is directed at me and my comments in the other thread. For what it's worth, I have been to every CPF, and I have supported the shit out of all of them and plan to do so in the future. It's my favorite fest, and, in fact, my favorite thing to do every year.

However, I stand by my comments that last year's location DID in fact suck complete ass, at least for us out-of-towners -- not enough for me to not have fun, but enough for me to be glad that it was moved to a new venue in a different suburb this year. Chicago Heights blows for this sort of thing.

It's not a dig at the fest; it's a method of rationalizing why attendance isn't where it should be.

This year was a huge step up in every way, and I hope the word spreads around. I will be doing my best to be able to afford a nice, big sponsorship next year... if I get my way, you'll be calling it booBfest 2008. :)

EDIT: I didn't mean that last part the way it sounded. ;)
I loved the location of The Pearl Room.. right across the street from the Super 8 and right between them, a Denny's and a White Castle. how awesome?!

I actually think the Pearl Room is ideal for this show. Sure there's no food there, but there are plenty of nice places right next to it to eat before the show (and about half a hundred others about a mile down LaGrange), as well as Denny's and White Castle, which are open AFTER the show. The Super 8 is right smack dab across the street, and the freeway and the METRA station are right close by as well. I was amazed at the ease of getting around the area, especially compared to last year's situation... I had my car, but I didn't really even need it. Contrast that to last year, when you HAD to either have a car, or know someone who had one, in order to get back and forth.

I don't think that even the Metro could compare with the Pearl Room for this show... the traffic is shitty in that part of town, parking is a nightmare, hotels are farther away, etc. I think we've stumbled upon the perfect solution this year, and I think attendance will reflect that next year.
I don't think that even the Metro could compare with the Pearl Room for this show... the traffic is shitty in that part of town, parking is a nightmare, hotels are farther away, etc. I think we've stumbled upon the perfect solution this year, and I think attendance will reflect that next year.

Yeah. The Metro is probably my favorite venue in Chicago, but the Pearl Room had AMAZING location for this type of festival.
My take:

I'm sorry I had to miss Saturday. I enjoyed the venue (lack of credit card usage at the bar with the *good* beer notwithstanding, although my liver's probably happier that way), and enjoyed the hell out of the bands. I will come every year that I'm able, and that you have the festival. I found this year's PF lineup to (again) be superior to PPUSA for my tastes. I especially wish I'd been there to see Saturnus, after the ass-kicking they gave NoVA last night!
this year, the kitchen was closed, we can't go in/out, there are no
seats, the lineup was too heavy on Saturday, there was no true power metal
headliner Friday, they'll take our markers and pens, they don't have Heinekin......

Chris I understand your frustration with the low attendance, but unless I wasn't reading the other threads all the way through and missed something, it seems like all these remarks were made by people who bought tickets and were actually there. You may be venting in the wrong direction, because you're the preacher and we're the choir.

It's unfortunate that it's so difficult to poll people who choose NOT to do something (although I see Dark Tide made a nice post about his decision). We run up against the same sort of thing at VU with potential students who visit - some end up coming, but more don't. And it's hard to follow up and find out why not.

(I wasn't going to say anything at all here, but now Metal Domain is going off in another thread on how we all suck, and that rubbed me the wrong way, especially when coming from someone whose ass was NOT on the line like yours, Rob's and John's.)

Ok, how about this: lush, cushioned seating surrounding a 10 course, high-end buffet, top shelf liquor and beer all night long, virtual choose the bands you want to see, choose the set list and BOOM, there they are, right in front of you and almost real

Hey everyone, I think we've all been invited over the Chris's living room for next year to watch DVDs! :)

.....there is also a masseuse assigned
to each table for whatever you desire

Yep, definitely.

Sure there's no food there...

Just a clarification...the kitchen closing is not a permanent thing. It was just bad timing because they let their cook go a couple weeks before the fest. As soon as they hire another one, the kitchen will be open again & food should be available at next year's fest...that is, if there is a fest. ;)
I can definitely understand all of the frustrations vented here. This was my first year attending Powerfest. For me, I base a decision whether I go to a fest or not on the LINE-UP. I personally felt that there was something for everyone this year. The thing that I think people need to keep in mind is that this fest was never intended to be a POWER METAL FEST. Geez! I think it's great that different genres of metal were represented, from technical death to doom.

I had an unbelievable time this year and as long as I dig the line-up (or at least part of it!) next year (and there IS a next year!) I will fully support this fest again. Kudos to you guys for really putting together a fantastic show this year.


I seem to recall both Novembers Doom and Withering Soul playing previous Powerfest lineups, neither of which are Power Metal. Imagika also played a previous lineup, which could be considered more old school thrash than Power Metal. I think the Power Metal bands just happened to fall into place on the bill at their various times, creating the idea that this fest was a Power Metal Festival unintentionally. Wasn't the fest about PowerFUL metal and not Power Metal?

If you had to set up a metal festival that was diverse, with only one stage, on a limited bugdet, and presented something for fans of different genres of metal, what genre percentages would you have taking the stage (i.e. black vs. power, tech death vs. doom, etc.) Yes, I am asking this of the purists.

- Aaron