My opinion on the reunion.

Judas Rising

New Metal Member
Jan 29, 2005
Ok, I'm a bit new to Anthrax, I've got into them about 1 year ago, but I know my Anthrax, so I'm not a noob fan, and lately, I've been hearing some backlash at them for the reunion, well, here's my 2 cents on it.

Anthrax are a great band, and sadly, they're pretty ignored because they don't sell millions of records like Megadeh and Metallica, and don't have back and fourth fuedes to get them into the press, Anthrax has two types of a core fanbase, the Joey fanbase where everyone thinks John ruined Anthrax, and the loyal fanbase who likes all Anthrax eras.

So my point is, wouldn't it be nice for the two to maybe get together?; this isn't directed to all Anthrax fans, just the ones crying sellout, it's not like they fired John and had Joey replace him, this is a very interesting thing, and it will be very cool, and as for ozzfest, well that eh...Not so much, Sharon Osbourne is a money hungry whore, now she's demanding bands to fire their members?; anyway, my point is, I don't think Anthrax is doing this for money or for Sharon, cause this was planned before that rumor started.

Oh and if I had my pick, I'd pick John over Joey anyday.
I think you're right about the 'loyal fans' who appreciate both eras.

And I'm sure you're right about $haron. I seriously doubt that anyone in Anthrax gives a FUCK what she thinks. The part about Anthrax reuiniting just to get on Ozzfest has to be bullshit.

And you're right again, BUSH rules.
Of course they give a fuck what Sharon thinks! They've been griping about it publicly for years about how they keep getting passed over for Ozzfest. Give me a break.

I'm going to be pragmatic----At this stage of their careers, if this is their last chance to really cash in and secure themselves and their families financially, it's hard to argue the point. I'm a major Bush fan, along with the majority of the people on this board, but it's not hard to understand.

The band will move forward with Bush as the singer, and put out good great records. If this gets them the exposure they desperately need, then go for it. I've been pretty vocal about my disdain for a reunion, but the more I've thought about it, the more it makes sense for them as individuals. That's where I'll leave it.

I don´t want to hear anyone else than John on the next record. And I don´t give THREE FUCKS about Ozzfest.
johnnieCzech said:

I don´t want to hear anyone else than John on the next record. And I don´t give THREE FUCKS about Ozzfest.

Well, if Anthrax are selling out, it must have begun with the release of TGOTE which is maybe cool listening to but contains just recycled old "hits". I really didn´t see the need for recording that album when they already had a Best-Of and a live album. BTW, it is my personal opinion that they started getting commercial with SOWN.
Well, I really get confused by the term sellout. I've heard it alot, and I've used it a few times myself. Now, did they reach grammy level success, buy new teeth, become unwanted in their hometown and local scene, and then call their fans idiots?? No. Did they have a fairly successfull female fronted pop-punk / ska band and decide to leave all the guys behind and do a solo career because the record company thought it would be more profitable???? No Doubt, they did not. Did they come out with a commercially successfull albumn after their long time bass player died in an accident, and release their first music video, and become radio friendly after already having established themselves as a topselling underground band???? Not even close. Did they lose one singer because they brought in their old singer to sing on a greatest hits albumn? Nope. They did ball of confusion with both singers on the same song. So I ask this question....... Is it really selling out by being successfull at what you do??? And with that being said, I'm going to learn how to play 'still born' for my cover band so we can make $100 a night each. Now is that selling out since the local music scene sucks for doin' originals?? I used to think it was but, it's the only outlet I have to showcase my music by slipping in 1 or 2 originals in a 1hr set.
Schurl said:
Well, if Anthrax are selling out, it must have begun with the release of TGOTE which is maybe cool listening to but contains just recycled old "hits". I really didn´t see the need for recording that album when they already had a Best-Of and a live album. BTW, it is my personal opinion that they started getting commercial with SOWN.
Anthrax released GO2E because WE, the fans, have been asking to hear John sing the old stuff for a LONG time.
So they had us, the fans, vote for which songs we wanted to hear.
Why do you think that's selling out???
John sang old songs already on MOMD so the fans had an impression how he sounds on them before. If a band releases (some of) its most popular tracks without new material it always reeks a little of $$$.
What I really want to know is why Anthrax units are always guest appearing on these VH1 flashback shows as if they ever had media support. Anyone?
Its interesting that so many others aren't on it, yet Anthrax is on again and again. ...never the music, but for the Jon Stewart-like commentary.
Schurl said:
John sang old songs already on MOMD so the fans had an impression how he sounds on them before. If a band releases (some of) its most popular tracks without new material it always reeks a little of $$$.

People......who the hell wouldn't put out a record to make a little $$$? Give me a break. Being "all about the music" is great when you got 3 million in the bank, but if you don't you sure as hell do what you can to pay the bills. This is there JOB. They are lucky enough to be able to do it by playing music while the rest of us stiffs go to work everyday. So f@*k you guys and your pretentious bullshit, because you would do the same thing if you were in their position. Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of the idea, but I sure as hell understand why they would be doing it.

That's why it's called the music BUSINESS.
lespaulbass666 said:
Well, I really get confused by the term sellout. I've heard it alot, and I've used it a few times myself. Now, did they reach grammy level success, buy new teeth, become unwanted in their hometown and local scene, and then call their fans idiots?? No. Did they have a fairly successfull female fronted pop-punk / ska band and decide to leave all the guys behind and do a solo career because the record company thought it would be more profitable???? No Doubt, they did not. Did they come out with a commercially successfull albumn after their long time bass player died in an accident, and release their first music video, and become radio friendly after already having established themselves as a topselling underground band???? Not even close. Did they lose one singer because they brought in their old singer to sing on a greatest hits albumn? Nope. They did ball of confusion with both singers on the same song. So I ask this question....... Is it really selling out by being successfull at what you do??? And with that being said, I'm going to learn how to play 'still born' for my cover band so we can make $100 a night each. Now is that selling out since the local music scene sucks for doin' originals?? I used to think it was but, it's the only outlet I have to showcase my music by slipping in 1 or 2 originals in a 1hr set.
That was a pretty good quiz, man!
1) I give up, I don´t know.
2) No Doubt, but I´d have known without a hint
3) Metallica
4) Van Halen
:lol::worship: :headbang:
My .02.

I am a fan from the 80's. I like Joey, I like John.

These guys love to play for us,,,but we only feed them to a point, sometimes they have BUSINESS decisions that ride over the music they create.

I don't know the music business financials but im sure they don't get a heck of a big cut out of each CD we buy.

What difference does Ozzfest make for me, not like im going to get to see it anyway.

im a working stiff who has financial repsonsibilites to take care of.

BUT THEY NEVER SOLD OUT...The band members changed, The sound changed, BUT it wasn't a Sell Out idea.

They wanted John the first time around but he wasn't they Joey came aboard and it worked really well, but we all know how it fell apart creatively and joey's voice etc.

Then Dan, and it goes on from there...

Plus the scares, and the record label screw ups...

Anthrax are still mostly underground and its not going to change even WITH joey, becuase the Mall Brat Ozzfester hasn't really heard them...

Thank you radio conglomerates for that.

Go guys and get 'em in 2005. Joey and or John do what you need to do. im here supporting you all the way.

:headbang: :hotjump:
Schurl said:
John sang old songs already on MOMD so the fans had an impression how he sounds on them before. If a band releases (some of) its most popular tracks without new material it always reeks a little of $$$.

You apparently know what is called "next to fucking nothing." As it turns out, Anthrax sold approximately 4 thousand copies if I remember correctly of TGOTE, and the purpose of MOMD was a live album with John. TGOTE had absolutely nothing to do with money, it was about the true fans.
coolsnow7 said:
You apparently know what is called "next to fucking nothing." As it turns out, Anthrax sold approximately 4 thousand copies if I remember correctly of TGOTE, and the purpose of MOMD was a live album with John. TGOTE had absolutely nothing to do with money, it was about the true fans.
4 thousand copies in the first week,lets all email metalsludge at request up to date anthrax soundscan figures,i am interested to see how much they have sold layely.
DDD_Lover said:
My .02.

I am a fan from the 80's. I like Joey, I like John.

These guys love to play for us,,,but we only feed them to a point, sometimes they have BUSINESS decisions that ride over the music they create.

I don't know the music business financials but im sure they don't get a heck of a big cut out of each CD we buy.

What difference does Ozzfest make for me, not like im going to get to see it anyway.

im a working stiff who has financial repsonsibilites to take care of.

BUT THEY NEVER SOLD OUT...The band members changed, The sound changed, BUT it wasn't a Sell Out idea.

They wanted John the first time around but he wasn't they Joey came aboard and it worked really well, but we all know how it fell apart creatively and joey's voice etc.

Then Dan, and it goes on from there...

Plus the scares, and the record label screw ups...

Anthrax are still mostly underground and its not going to change even WITH joey, becuase the Mall Brat Ozzfester hasn't really heard them...

Thank you radio conglomerates for that.

Go guys and get 'em in 2005. Joey and or John do what you need to do. im here supporting you all the way.

:headbang: :hotjump:
can we get some DDD pics in here!!! we got a lot of frustrated boardmembers/crybabies so I think it's time for some titties!!!:dopey: