My Point Read This

Sum 41 can probably play any metal song. They can do solos. Did you see them cover for whom the bell tolls? Also check out their song "grab the devil by the horns and fu*k him up the ass" you'll appreciate their playing skill after you hear this. It sounds like something right off a maiden album but you will probably say "no its bad just cause its sum 41" That doesnt make sense. And did anyone even attempt to listen to Rufio? Look at their tabs or download the song "above me" and tell me they can't play. What about Bigwig? They can play too. Also, no one attempted to play Buggley Eyes by NOFX. Why wont someone attempt these "Easy punk songs" that you claim them to be? You should be able to play these no problem if you say it's so easy but all I hear is "thats so easy" or I see postings of people doing metal songs. Cmon guys.
The only punk band that could probably play most tech dm songs if Propagandhi. They are the only punk band I really like and the only punk band that actually has songs that I find hard to play.
Yesm, it was very predictable that you'd mention Sum41 because of the almost satirical showing-off they do, but hey, there's a hell of a big difference between Metallica and technical death metal. Do yourself a favour, DOWNLOAD and LISTEN to a song like 'Fermented Offal Discharge' by Necrophagist ( 'Slit Your Guts' by Cryptopsy or 'Winds Of Creation' by Decapitated.

Try and tell us again that ANY punk band could cover them. The idea is laughable. Honestly, Metallica is simple in comparison.
Listener1254 said:
Sum 41 can probably play any metal song. They can do solos. Did you see them cover for whom the bell tolls? Also check out their song "grab the devil by the horns and fu*k him up the ass" you'll appreciate their playing skill after you hear this. It sounds like something right off a maiden album but you will probably say "no its bad just cause its sum 41" That doesnt make sense. And did anyone even attempt to listen to Rufio? Look at their tabs or download the song "above me" and tell me they can't play. What about Bigwig? They can play too. Also, no one attempted to play Buggley Eyes by NOFX. Why wont someone attempt these "Easy punk songs" that you claim them to be? You should be able to play these no problem if you say it's so easy but all I hear is "thats so easy" or I see postings of people doing metal songs. Cmon guys.

Being a listener to music, I have heard these songs. By the way, Timmy The Turtle is a better song by NOFX. Rufio isn't that great, there are better punk bands out there. I suggest you look harder. AFI lost my interest once Black Sails came out. But I agree with you, these punk bands have ability to play an instrument and write a catchy tune. Good for them.

I don't understand your point though. Are you so childish to actually try and start a competition between metal and punk?

Sum 41 can probably play any metal song. They can do solos.
I truly doubt this. The idea of Sum41 playing a note of anything anyone above has mentioned is, indeed laughable. However, if you are so sure of their skill and precision then why are you trying to get our approval?

I had hoped my post had helped you think this out, but apparently you're still sticking with the same adolescent arguments...

What I don't get is why you're continuing this debate on a metal board. It seems more fitted on a punk one, are you blantantly tryin to get a rise out of us?

Whatever, you need to dig deeper into music. Try the bands mentioned by others, and try to play some of their solos or even their chords.
Oh yeah, like For Whom the Bell Tolls is just soooo fucking hard to play. The entire song is a fucking power chord, and the opening leads are just a couple of arpeggios.

I just came back from the Day at the Border Festival in Milan, Italy, and I can tell you that Alexi Laiho could play better with one hand on the guitar and the other holding a fucking lawn chair, than any punk guitarist using both his hands and his friends'. There is no comparison between metal and punk, they are two completely different genres with different outlooks on music. Sum 41 can play metal because...gasp...they were influenced by bands like....are you ready for this....Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc. OF COURSE THEY CAN FUCKING PLAY SOLOS MORON!!!!!! IT'S ALL THEY KNEW HOW TO PLAY GROWING UP!!!!!

Ihsahn from Emperor would fucking own your best punk guitarist. You should become more proficient with your playing before you start shooting off at the mouth about how much harder it is to play punk than metal. Just because you suck as a musician doesn't mean that I do too.
some of the musicians from emperor, cynic and death rate amongst the highest in the world and your telling us that they wouldnt be able to perform punk songs ?? WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU !!!! i agree that sum41 are good musicians but just because they covered for whom the bell tolls sandman and master of puppets doesnt mean they are better musicians than metal musicians i dare you to try the song emperor - loss and curse of reverence a song with no proper solos but rhythm as tight as fuck or veil of maya by cynic. I DARE YOU !!
Well the Listener is sure getting a rise outta ppl. It keeps this post interesting to say the least.
Punk isn't about technicality, a lot of metal is. So why debate such an obvious conclusion.

To say that a metal band can't do punk is silly, like saying a punk band can't do metal. It all depends on the musicians and not all bands in said genre. But honestly a crappy metal band can do a punk song, cause punk isn't about technicality, but really can an average punk band pull off a technical metal song?!?!

In 1:30 to 3:00 minute songs don't really need solos. Let me put it this way song and solo's is like having a car. The car is fine with out the chrome hubcaps, but the hubcaps add to the beauty or furiousness of the car. Same as solo's are to metal songs. And that buddy is the most stupidest analogy ever made. :loco:
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thrashmetal78 said:
Oh yeah, like For Whom the Bell Tolls is just soooo fucking hard to play. The entire song is a fucking power chord, and the opening leads are just a couple of arpeggios.

I concur. This is one of the first tunes I have ever learned on the guitar.
Listener1254, it has become very obvious that you either have no understanding of guitar-technique or that you are just trying to get a rise out of us. Punk, as so many here have said before, is not about technicality, precision or complexity, it`s about fast and energetic music. You might find it hard to play punk, but that`s probably because you flat out suck on the guitar. Any accomplished metal guitarist can play punk in his sleep. If you had been one, you`d understand. If you were kidding all along though, I have to confess that you had me.
Bryant said:
I'm also a huge fan of Gang Green. I think punk rockers disown them though for whatever reason.

Go figure. Punk fans get a great band and can't handle it. :loco: Man they were cool.


gang green is a great band. i don't know what you're talking about punks disowning them. and if you like gang green you should check out bands like murphy's law, descendents, jfa, and the adolescents.

this whole debate is stupid. i enjoy both punk and metal and i don't find either genre superior, musically that is.
listener :yell:looks like a baby crying :)
he's so stupid lol, its funny, first he says its harder to play punk then he says metal bands only play solos to show off their skill? so its logic to say metal bands are skillful stupid!
fuck him, he doesn't know sshit about music .... i can play all those punk solos but i can't pull a jeff loomis solo....damn i'm the greatest guitar player in the world