My preference in metal singers

Its sad that the high register era is a thing of the past. Like I said earlier,Ray Alder,but also Midnight,Bruce Dickinson,Alan Tecchio and others from that 80's era. They just don't receive the respect they deserve.They all get bunched in with so much of the dreck that came from the 80's,and thats sad.
A lot of folks have made some exceptional points on this thread. I believe that a singer should be judged not only on their technical abilities (range, power, diction, etc.), but also on their ability to convey the emotions and messages of their music. I'll admit that I appreciate some singers for their technical skills alone (Timo Kotipelto, Fabio Lione, Ralf Scheepers, etc.) and others just for their strong emotional output (Ronnie James Dio, Andy B. Franck, Jon Oliva, etc.). Of course, the singers at the top of my list are those who excel on both fronts (Russel Allen, Daniel Gildenlow, Jorn Lande, etc.).

Another big test for me is whether or not a singer can perform well live. Out of the singers I've mentioned thus far, I've seen all but Fabio live (though I've heard live recordings), and I've been impressed with each one. On the other hand, there are vocalists who I really liked until I heard them live. Some examples are Eric Adams, Andre Matos, and Pasi Rantanen.

I would like to add that I am also a big fan of John West's voice, particularly his work on the first six Artension albums and his solo work on Shrapnel. I would love to see him perform these songs live.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Ok.. I'm one of the few that like the higher ranges... Low to high even better - Old Tate, Mike Eriksen, Nils K. Rue, Daniel Hieman, Tobias Sammet... and I of course Khan, but with him I do like the entire progression of his voice from beginning to end... And I do like Tate's voice now, but it doesn't do the same for me as the RFO days :) and I've really begun to LOVE Jorn Lande's voice - that grit is AWESOME...

and, although not a popular opinion, Matt Barlow's voice has never done anything for me... I'm not saying he can't sing!!! His voice just isn't my kind o' singer...