My review and setlist

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
Ok I was at the BArras lat night, and Ive now seen all 4 of 'the big four' (slayer being my fav) but I can safely say that Anthrax was the best gig ever!!!!!! I know I was always gonna be biased being such a fuckin huge belladonna era fan,and I know that there is extremely mixed feelings on this board about the gig.Buit from my perspective they were awesome. Joey's vocals were spot on, hitting all the high notes on Medusa,lone justice and madhouse very weell in particular. Scott looked a wee bit left out but still looked to b ahving a good time.Charlie was solid,frankie throws himself around like an arse slightly but had alot of energy at least and a cool stage presence(his bass soundswasnt good at the start but got fixed),and spitz suprised me,while being a poser he still looked very involved and genuinley happy to be there, and he hit his leads very well indeed. Jsut when they hit the stage though, I knew this was going to be special,,there was just so much energy.And the crowd was absolutley insane giving a deafening roar especially for the likes of indians and caught in a mosh. :headbang:
As I have sayd in e previous post, this was my version of 1987, and Im only 16 but sinse i was 12 i have dreamed of this lineup as in my humble opinion they are far better (no disrespect to Bush hes a great vocalist the music just isnt as good for me). The sound was ok but i was at the barrier, so I was a bit close to take all the instruments in all the time but evrything sounded fine and the band were tight as a unit. The set was ok but not amazing, was a wee bit annoyed that i didnt here armed and dnagerous but was so happy to here be all end all,medusa and especially lone justice(joey absolutely nailed that).Also deathrider wasnt thaat bad,jsut not great.It sounded as if he'd found a medium between turbins and johns versions and dint really go out of key. As you can tell i really enjoyed this gig just because the band sounded tight as hell and looked genuinley thrilled to be playin(exept for Scott), and the crowd were fuckin nuts!!!! oh and I rocked so hard, I passed out during metal thrashing mad after gathering up every ounce of energy for the first high scream in the song(I went in to the gig ina n emoty stomach and kanckered as i ahd had an all day exam,so its understandable, but i came round after 30 seconds...never rock an empty stomach o_O ).
Oh and a big shout out to man of the hour who were evry good. singer was funny as fuck!!

Setlist (not really in order,begginin and end are right lol)
Among the living
Got the time
caught in a mosh
Lone justice
In my world
Indians(mental especially for....WARDAAAAAAANCE!)
Be all end all (hell fuckin yeah)
I'm the man (amazin and funny as fuck)
MEtal thrashing mad \m/
I am the law

Hey Col....lets start a thread arguing about where the best reunion gig was.....itll sure beat the shit out of the ohh so boring Bush/Belladonna threads......OK....I say.....Dublin was the best gig
nah they had the double bass drums kicking FFOM style in the verses.I was jus comenting on the fact that everyone sayd that Joey was way off key at past shows, but inGlasgow, pitch wise he seemed to mix turbins and bushes verions by singing the verses really high like turbin and the chorus in a more powerful sort of powerful but not as high way,like bush.
Frankie used to say he was sick of playing the old songs, and wanted to play more new stuff. So I guess he sold his integrity out too.
PoolePaul said:
Hey Col....lets start a thread arguing about where the best reunion gig was.....itll sure beat the shit out of the ohh so boring Bush/Belladonna threads......OK....I say.....Dublin was the best gig

sorry poole but i am going to disagree with you there , even though they have yet to play here i am going to say that melbourne WILL be the best gig of the tour hands down :) :)

cause melbourne has the greatest metal fans in the world :worship:

he he
No Adelaide will DESTROY ... coz I will be there. Yer ... :)

Great review by the way. That week is gonna be so cool - Anthrax Monday night, Revenge of the Siphilus on Thursday ... Awesome ... Awesome!
johnnieCzech said:
that´s the way they played it the last year, two verses half-time and the last full speed.

Yeah, they did the same in Glasgow. I was a bit gutted that they didn't play it "properly" and where was the headdress?! Apart from a couple of minor gripes it ruled!
yeah guys sorry after it yped that i realised that i only properly looked out for the drummin and speed on the last verse but i knew something was differant when taht verse hit!!! anyway it worked well.......HEEEEAAAAAAARRR THHHHHE SCREAAAAAAMS!
yeah i have i was just didnt really pay attention to how they were being played cos i was focusing so much on joeys vocals to see if he was as offkey as everone sayd he was. But on the last verse I picked up on the fact that the double bass drums were pounding and therefore i assumed that the whole song wa splayed that way but the reason that grabbed my attention was because it was considerably faster than the previous versus. I aint makin much sense but its one of these things i subconciusly noticed and didnt pick up on until everyone sayd how the versus were played., but i can cast my mind back now,