My summer sabbatical begins....

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
Greetings my UMOS friends,

It is time once again for my summer sabbatical to the north country where it is COOL. We are already in the 100 degrees F here in Arizona and I refuse to live in such weather.

That means my time here on UMOS will be limited for the summer, although I will be checking in from time to time to read, if not comment. Also, I may be able to participate more when I am in Montana (come July) compared to last year. The girl I stay with has DSL now so I plan to set up a wireless connection so I can get hi-speed in my bedroom. That will allow me more time to play here, but still not nearly as much as I do when I am home. I got mountains to climb, streams to cross, and wildlife to see. That all means less computer time!

I will miss all my UMOS friends, despite the fun I might be having. You people mean alot to me and I wish you all a happy and healthy summer. Monday will be my last communication before I break down the 'puter.

And in the words of the infamous Ozzy, "I love you all!" :rock:
Onward and upward!! Be safe and have a great summer and check in when you can! :)
Well, I guess most of it should follow you and enjoy some outdoors in stead of getting fat behind the PC ;-)
Have a great time, and ofcourse drop in now and than !
Have a great "migration" TSO, may the cool midwest greets you with peace and fantastic views.

Careful when climbing anything taller than a stool :p

NP: Icarus Witch - 'Storming The Castle'
Drive safe, my friend. I'm sure I don't have to tell you to enjoy yourself. See you around from time to time and of course, when you get back. :wave:
Thanks for all the well-wishes my friends! UMOS is #1!!

@Wyvern, trust me, I'm more likely to be hurt climbing onto a bar stool than I am any mountain! :lol: I'll be careful doing both, just to be sure.

@Fang, I've got my cds all packed! All told, I'm going north with about 300, which is a bit overkill. But what the hell, never know what I might want to listen to while sitting on that lakeshore with the speakers up on top of my truck.

@rokk, I'll be touching base with you next week, buddy. We can talk about getting another meeting scheduled.
Have a good trip TSO! Over a hundred already? I thought hitting 90 around here this time of year was bad!:ill: Enjoy the great wide north and rock on!:kickass:

This is one of the situations where the MP3 player comes in handy. You can have the 300 CD's in your pocket. A ton easier to travel with. :cool:
rokk said:
TSO is alive and well! He was here yesterday and we had a great time hangin out on the backyard patio burnin' and crankin' the metal!

He said to let you all know he misses the mighty UMOS already!


It's great to hear about those little UMOS meetings everywhere in the world !! I'm sure you guys have a great time there...huhu, running from hot weather he is ...makes me think, over here it's pretty near freezing at nights these days..Can anyone make that hole in the ozon layer a little bit larger ??